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जीवों को धर्म-देशना करते हुए विचरते रहते हैं। (२) जब उनका आयुष्क केवल अन्तर्मुहूर्त प्रमाण शेष । ॐ रह जाता है, तब वे मनोयोग, वचनयोग और काययोग का निरोध करके अयोगी स्नातक जिन बनते हैं। ' $ 34 FICCA 49 37, 3, 3, #, 7, 9 10 g re za Jedro-oorst-44147 IEC
समय के भीतर वे चारों अघातिकर्मों का क्षय करके अजर-अमर सिद्ध हो जाते हैं। (वृत्ति भाग-२ पृष्ठ । 41 Glei Part 3157 477–? 48 920)
Elaboration—In the aforesaid aphorisms five general types of pulak u and other ascetics have been mentioned. However, in Bhagavati Sutra y and the Sanskrit Tika of Sthananga Sutra two more classes have been 9 mentioned. Their details are as follows
(1) Two kinds of pulaak-a. Labdhi pulaak-an ascetic who employs y the special powers, acquired through austerities, for the protection of the y sangh. b. Pratisevana pulaak-an ascetic who misuses his knowledge, 9 perception and other qualities.
(2) Two kinds of bakush-a. Sharira bakush-an ascetic who, for y beautifying his body, washes his hands, feet, face, hair and other parts y time and again. b. Upakaran bakush-an ascetic who, for beautifying his bowls, garb, ascetic-broom and other equipment washes them and applies oil, colour and other such things time and again.
(3) Two kinds of kushila-a. Pratisevana kushila-an ascetic who commits faults in observing auxiliary codes (pinda-vishuddhi, five samitis, bhaavana, tap, pratima and abhigraha). b. Kashaya kushilaan ascetic who gets overwhelmed with passions including anger due to precipitation of sanjualan kashaya (extremely mild passion).
(4) Two kinds of nirgranth-a. Upashant moha nirgranth-a: detached ascetic who through upasham-shreni (the rising path of u
pacification of karmas) reaches the eleventh Gunasthaan after pacifying 4 all moha-karma. b. Ksheen moha nirgranth-a detached ascetic who y
through kshapak-shreni (the rising path of destruction of karmas) ! reaches the twelfth Gunasthaan after destroying all moha-karma and who is going to destroy the remaining three vitiating karmas within one
antar-muhurt. 4. (5) Two kinds of snatak-a. Sayogi snatak Jina and b. Ayogi snatak # Jina--the life span of a sayogi Jina is eight years to one antar-muhurt
less one Purvakoti years. During this period he moves around preaching religion to the worthy. When only one antar-muhurt is left of his life- y span he terminates the three associations (mind, speech and body) and
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Sthaananga Sutra (2)
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