f of instrument (karan) is tena bhaniyam (was spoken by him) or maye fi kayam (was done by me). (4) The example of the fourth vachan-vibhakti
(case-ending) in the sense of recipient (sampradan) is in the form of namah and svaha (obeisance and oblation). (5) The example of the fifth vachan-vibhakti (case-ending) in the sense of the object from which something is separated (apadan) is etto apanaya (take away from here) or ito ginha (snatch from him). (6) The example of the sixth vachan
vibhakti (case-ending) in the sense of indicating the relation of one's fi ownership (sva-svamitva) is tassa ime vastu (this thing belongs to him or
this person). (7) The example of the seventh vachan-vibhakti (caseending) in the sense of the receptacle of something (sannidhan) is imammi (that thing is in this). (8) The example of the eighth vachan
vibhakti (case-ending) in the sense of addressing (amantran) someone is fi Hay juvan (Oh ! young man).
छद्मस्थ-केवलि-पद CHHADMASTH-KEVALI-PAD
(SEGMENT OF CHHADMASTH-KEVALI) २५. अट्ठ ठाणाई छउमत्थे सव्वभावेणं ण याणति ण पासति, तं जहा-धम्मत्थिकायं, (अधम्मत्थिकायं, आगासत्थिकायं, जीवं असरीरपडिबद्धं, परमाणुपोग्गलं, सई) गंधं, वातं। ___एताणि चेव उप्पण्णणाणदंसणधरे अरहा जिणे केवली (सव्वभावेणं, जाणइ पासइ, तं जहा
धम्मत्थिकायं, अधम्मत्थिकायं, आगासत्थिकायं, जीवं असरीरपडिबद्धं, परमाणुपोग्गलं, सई), म गंध, वातं। ॐ २५. आठ पदार्थों को छद्मस्थ पुरुष सम्पूर्ण रूप से न तो जानता है और न देखता है। जैसेम (१) धर्मास्तिकाय, (२) अधर्मास्तिकाय, (३) आकाशास्तिकाय, (४) शरीर-मुक्त जीव, (५) परमाणु * पुद्गल, (६) शब्द, (७) गन्ध, (८) वायु।
प्रत्यक्ष ज्ञान-दर्शन के धारक अर्हन् जिन केवली इन आठ पदार्थों को सम्पूर्ण रूप से जानते-देखते के हैं, जैसे-(१) धर्मास्तिकाय, (२) अधर्मास्तिकाय, (३) आकाशास्तिकाय, (४) शरीर-मुक्त जीव, म (५) परमाणु पुद्गल, (६) शब्द, (७) गन्ध, (८) वायु।
25. A chhadmasth (a person in state of karmic bondage) person cannot see or know six things fully (all their possible modes)-(1) Dharmastikaya (motion entity), (2) Adharmastikaya (inertia entity), (3) Akashastikaya (space entity), (4) disembodied soul, (5) ultimate particle of matter, (6) shabd (sound), (7) Gandh (smell) and (8) Vauyu (air).
Arhat, Jina, and Kevali endowed with right knowledge and $ perception see and know fully (all their possible modes) these five
अष्टम स्थान
Eighth Sthaan
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