a pre-Caraka literature of it, 277; prajñāparādha, according to Caraka, 416, 417; pramāņas in, 373; prāṇa in, 263; principles of growth, 321, 322; psychological theories of perception of Bhela in, 341; psycho-physical parallelism in, according to Caraka, 339; rasas, their number, 357-359; rasas, their origin, 359, 360; rebirth, nature of, determined by past life, 406, 407; rebirth, proofs of, 407, 408; relation of head and heart in, 343; right conduct, rules of, according to Caraka, 420 ff.; samyogipuruşa, its conception, 368; sancaya and prakopa of dosas, 335; scheme of life in Caraka, 415; seat of prāna according to Caraka, 342; secretory character of vayu, pitta and kapha, 338; self and the body, 368; self and knowledge, 368; self and manus, 369; self and the transcendent self (paraḥ ātmā), 368; self, in association with manas, 373; self, nature of, according to Suśruta, 410; sorrows, cause of, according to Caraka, 415, 416; soul, conception of, 372; special categories in Caraka, 389; special categories in Suśruta, 389 ff.; springs of action and right conduct in, 405; springs of action in Caraka compared with those of other systems, 411 ff.; substance and qualities, 360-362; subtle body and self in Caraka, 310; Suśruta and Samkhya, 372; Suśruta's distinction of sirās and dhamanis, 348. ff.; Suśruta's views regarding brain as the seat of cognitive and conative nerves, 342; synonyms for srotas, 348 n.; the combination of the doșas in different relations, 338; the organs in relation to the ducts, 348; theory of dhatus and upa-dhātus, 322-324; theory of dosa according to Suśruta, 329, 330; theory of the formation of the body, 334; theory of karma in, compared with other theories of karma, 402404; theory of mala-dhātus, 325 ff.; theory of prabhava, 323; three classes of inference in Caraka, 398, 399; transgressions (prajñāparādha) the obstacle to good life, in Caraka, 421, 422; transmigration determined by dharma and adharma, 411; ultimate healing in, 415; upanga of AtharvaVeda, 273; validity of the Vedas established through it, 279, 280;
views of the different Upanisads regarding the naḍis contrasted with, 345; vayu, pitta and kapha and their operations in the building of the body, 334 ff.; what is its nature? 276
Ayur-veda-dipikā, 274 n. 2, 275 n., 302,
Ayur-veda-rasāyana, 434 Ayur-veda-sutra, 436 ayuso 'nuvṛtti-pratyaya-bhūta, 333 ayuṣyāņi, 295
Backbite, 510 Backbone, 286 Bad, 246; deeds, 411 Badness, 507 Badiśa, 316, 357 baeṣaza, 295 n. I baeṣazya, 295 n. I bahu-śruta, 85
Balabhadra Bhaṭṭācārya, 225 n. Baladeva, 539
Baladeva Vidyabhuṣaṇa, 443 Balance, 326 bali, 278 Balkh, 357
bandha, 232, 234, 267 Bandhaka-tantra, 435
bandhanam, 497 bandho, 497
Barren woman, 234 Basic concept of mind, 24 Basic entity, 23 n.
Basis, 11, 29; of truth, II Battle, 505 Battle-field, 522 Badarāyaṇa, 45, 260; his philosophy, 42; his philosophy is some kind of bhedabheda-vāda or immanence in transcendence, 42
bādha, 222 badhakas tarkaḥ, 141 bahu, 285 n. 6, 338 Balabhadra, 55
Bālagopala, 78 Balagopala Yogindra, 78 Balakṛṣṇadāsa, 78 Bālāvatāra-tarka, 49 Bālhika, 298 n. 4, 316 Bāņa, 550 Bāṣpacandra, 428, 431 Beard, 325 Beginningless, 12, 195, 217, 454; avidya, 48; contact, 158; series, 184; time, 249
Being, 10, 36, 46, 148, 203, 234, 238,