The Visista-dvaita School
Badarāyaṇa. Some account of this will be found in the fourth volume of the present work. He also wrote a Rāmānuja-caritaculuka, Rahasya-traya-mīmāmsā-bhāṣya, and Canda-māruta, a learned commentary on the Sata-dușani of Venkaṭanatha. Sudarśanaguru wrote a commentary on his Vedanta-vijaya, called Mangala-dipikā. He wrote a big treatise called Vedanta-vijaya, which was divided into several more or less independent, though inter-related parts. The first part is Gurūpasatti-vijaya, in which the methods of approaching the teacher are discussed. The manuscript is fairly voluminous, containing 273 pages, and the modes of discussion are on the basis of Upanisadic texts. The second part is called Brahma-vidya-vijaya (a MS. containing 221 pages), in which he tries to prove, on the basis of Upanisadic texts, that Brahman means Nārāyaṇa and no other deity. The third part, called Sadvidya-vijaya, contains seven chapters and is philosophical and polemical in spirit. I have in a later section given an account of its principal contents. The last part is called Vijayollāsa (a MS. of 158 pages), in which he seeks to prove that the Upanisads refer to Nārāyaṇa alone. I have not been able to trace the fourth part. Sudarśanaguru wrote a commentary on this Vedānta-vijaya. This Sudarsana is different from Sudarśanācārya. He wrote also an Advaita-vidya-vijaya, a work in three chapters, based principally on Upanisadic texts. The three chapters are Prapancamithyātva-bhanga, Jiveśvaraikya-bhanga, and Akhaṇḍārthatvabhanga. He also composed another work, called Upanisad-mangaladīpikā, which was not accessible to the present writer. He describes himself sometimes as a pupil of Vādhūla Śrīnivāsa and sometimes as a pupil of his son Prajñānidhi. He lived probably in the fifteenth century. He was the disciple of Vadhūla Śrīnivāsa, who wrote the Tulikā commentary on the Śruta-prakāśikā.
Ranga Rāmānuja Muni lived probably in the fifteenth century. He was the disciple of Vatsya Anantärya, Tatayārya, and Parakāla Yati or Kumbha-kona Tatayārya. He wrote a commentary on the Sribhāṣya, called Mūla-bhāva-prakāśikā, and one on the Vyayasiddhānjana, called Nyāya-siddhānjana-vyākhyā. He also wrote a Dramiḍupaniṣad-bhāṣya, Viṣaya-vākya-dīpikā, Rāmānuja-siddhāntasāra, a commentary on the Chandogyo-paniṣad, called Chandogyopaniṣad-prakāsikā, and one on the Brhad-aranyako-paniṣat-prakāśikā. He wrote an independent commentary on the Brahma-sātra,