128 The Višiştā-dvaita School
(CH. ņavism he collected his materials from a large number of ancient treatises. 1
The book Yatindra-mata-dīpikā contains ten chapters. The first chapter enumerates the different categories, gives the definition of perception and shows how other sources of knowledge, such as memory, recognition, and non-perception, can all be included within this definition. It then gives a refutation of the various theories and establishes the theory of sat-khyāti. It denies the claim of verbal cognition to be regarded as a case of perceptio.1, refutes the definition of indeterminate cognition, and does not admit the possibility of any inference regarding God.
In the second chapter the writer defines "inference," classifies it and enumerates the rules regarding the validity of it and also gives a list of fallacies that may arise out of the violation of these rules. He includes analogy (upamiti) and proof by implication (arthāpatti) in the definition of inference and names the different modes of controversy.
In the third chapter we get the definition of “verbal testimony." The authority of the scriptures is established, and an attempt has been made to show that all words convey the sense of Nārāyaṇa the Lord.
The fourth chapter is longer than all the others. The author here refutes the categories of the Nyāya school of thought such as the universals, the relation of inherence, the causality of the atoms, and gives his own view about the genesis of the different categories, the mind-stuff, the body, the senses, the five primordial elements of earth, air, heat, water, sky, and so on.
The fifth chapter gives an account of time and establishes its allpervasive and eternal nature. The sixth chapter enumerates the eternal, transcendental attributes of pure sattva, which belongs both to īśvara and jīva.
The seventh chapter is more philosophical. It contains a de
eram Drüvida-bhāşya-Nyāya-tattva-Siddhi-traya-Sri-bhāsya-Dipasāra---Vedārtha-samgraha-Bhasya-vivarana-Samgīta-mālā--Sud-artha-samksepa, Sruta-prakäsika - Taltva-ratnākara--Prajna-paritrāņu - Prameya-sumgraha--Nyāva-kulisa--Nyāya-sudarśana-:1ānu-yathātmya-nirnaya-Nyäyu-sära-- Tattva-dipang-- T'atti'u-nirnaya-Sartārtha-siddhi - Nyāya-parisuddhi - Viūya-siddhanjana - Paramata-bhanga - Tattra-traya-culuka -- Tattzu-traya-nirupaņa -- Tattra-traya-pracanda-măruta-V'edānta-rijaya-Pārāśarz'ya-rijava'dipurvācurwil-prubandhū-nusarena jñātazyārthān samgrhya bālabodhārtham Yatindra-mata-dipiku-khyu-sariraka-paribhāṣāyām te prati padituh. Yatindra-matadipikā, p. 101.