XXXI] Works of Vallabha and his Disciples 379 moment?. The causality of so-called causes and conditions, or of precedent-negations (prāg-abhāva), or of the absence of negative causes and conditions, is thus discarded; for all these elements are effects, and therefore depend upon God's will for their happening; for without that nothing could happen. God's will is the ultimate cause of all effects or happenings. As God's will is thus the only cause of all occurrences or destructions, so it is the sole cause of the rise of bhakti in any individual. It is by His will that people are associated with different kinds of inclinations, but they work differently and that they have or have not bhakti. Vitthala is said to have been a friend of Akbar. His other works were commentaries on Pusţi-pravāha-maryādā and Siddhānta-muktāvalī, Anubhāsyapūrtti (a commentary on the Anubhāsya), Nibandha-prakāśa, Subodhini-țippaņi (a commentary on the Subodhini), otherwise called Sannyāsātaccheda. Vallabhācārya's first son was Gopināthaji Mahāraja, who wrote Sādhanadīpaka and other minor works, and Vitthala was his second son. Vitthala had seven sons and four daughters.
Pītāmbara, the great-grandson of Vitthala, the pupil of Vitthala and the father of Purusottama, wrote Avatāravādāvali, Bhaktirasatvavāda, Dravya-suddhi and its commentary, and a commentary on the Pusti-pravāha-maryādā. Purusottama was born in 1670; he wrote the following books; Subodhini-prakāśa (a commentary on the Subodhini commentary of Vallabha on the Bhāgavata-purāņa), Upanişad-dipikā, Avaraña-bhanga on the Prakāša commentary of Vallabha on his Tattvārtha-dīpikā, Prārthanāratnākara, Bhakti-hamsa-viveka, Utsava-pratāna, Suvarņa-sūtra (a commentary on the Vidvanamaņdana) and Sodaśa-grantha-vivrti. He is said to have written twenty-four philosophical and theological tracts, of which seventeen have been available to the present writer, viz., Bhedābheda-svarūpa-nirnaya, Bhagavat-pratikyti-pājanavāda, Srsti-bheda-tāda, Khyāti-vāda, Andhakāra-vāda, Brāhmaṇatvādidevatādi-vāda, Jita-pratibimbatva-khandana-vāda, Avirbhāvatirobhāra-vāda, Pratibimba-vāda, Bhaktyutkarşa-vāda, Ürddhvapundra-dhāraṇa-vāda, Mālūdhāraṇa-vāda, Upadeśa-visaya-sarkānirāsa-rāda, Mūrti-pājana-vāda, Sankha-cakra-dhāraṇa-vāda. He
I yada yadā pat y'at käryjam bhavati bhāvi abhūd vā tat-tatkālopādhau kramikenaiva tena tena hetunā tat tat käryyam karisye iti tataḥ pürvam bhagavadicchā asty asid väiti mantar'yam. Ibid. p. 9.