XXXIV] Pauşkarāgama
39 the formation of the world. The bindu represents the māyopādāna with which Siva associates Himself for the creation?. These different names of sakala and niskala and sakala-niskala of Siva are but different moments in Siva and do not constitute any actual transformation in Him, for He always remains unchanged in Himself. In Siva, therefore, there is no change. The changes are to be found in the bindu and the anusa.
God can only be proved by anumāna as being the instrumental cause of the world. This is taking the old Saiva view of the Siddhānta, like the Mrgendrāgama. The agency of God is to be explained by the supposition that by His desire everything is accomplished. He does not take to any instrument or organs for accomplishing any act. Thus when the potter makes his pot, it is through the infusion of God's power that he can do so. In the case of the potter, the agency is different, because he works with his instruments and organs. Siva through His energy can know and do all things.
Siva creates all things by His simple samkalpa and this creation is called the suddhādhva. The author refers to Tattva-prakāśika of Bhoja and the commentary on it by Aghora-śivācārya.
Sakti is the will of God and that is called bindu. From that arises nāda which is a source of all speech.
We have given some analysis of some of the important Agamas just to show the nature of the subjects that are dealt with in these Āgamas. A more comprehensive account of the Agamas could easily have been given, but that would have involved only tiresome repetition. Most of the Agamas deal with the same sort of subjects more or less in the same manner with some incidental variations as
1 maheśaḥ sakalah bindu-māyopädāna-janita-tanu-karanādibhir ātmānam yadā śuddhāśuddha-bhogam prayacchati tadā siva-sangakaḥ sa eva bhagavān sakala ity ucyate.
2 laya-bhogādhikārānām na bhedo vāstavaḥ śive, kintu vindor anūnām ca vāstavā eva te matāḥ.
3 Śaktir iccheti vijñeyā sabdo jñānam ihocyate, vägbhavam syāt kriyā-saktih kalā vai sodaśa smytań. yā parameśvarasya icchā sā śaktir iti jñeyā, saktestu jāyate sabdah. Yat parameśvarasya jñānam tadeva sabdah. sabdāt jāyate vāgbhavaḥ. yā parameśvarasya kriyā sā tu văgbhavaḥ. sodaśa svarāḥ kalā ity ucyante. Quoted from Pauşkarāgama:
acetanam jagad viprāś cetana-prerakam vină, pravrttau vā nivrttau và na svatantram rathādivat.