Book Title: History of Indian Philosophy
Author(s): Surendranath Dasgupta
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
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195 Grace of God (cont.)
Jainism, 22, 40, 118, 134 devotion, 108, in will, 113, 115-16; Jayanta, 9, 127, 145 mystic wisdom obtained through jīva, 27, 58, 61, 62, 93, 180; not
the grace of God, 152-3, 182, 188 identical with Brahman, 24; can grāhaka, 33
know the world and Siva, 25-6; grāhya, 33
a part of Brahman, 49, 104, 175; Gunaratna, 6n., 9 and n., ron., 13, 15, may ultimately return to the tran17, 144-5
scendent being, 187-8 gunas, 28, 35, 36, 99, 109, 112, 115-16, jīvan-mukti, 11, 189-90 120-1, 165, 166, 171, 186
jñāna, 73-4, 80, 100, 105, 132, 157 guna-tattva, 168
jñāna-karma-samuccaya-vāda, 74 guru-linga, 63
Jñāna-ratnāvali, 14n.
jñāna-sakti, 147, 157 Happiness, 165
Jñāna-sambandha, 19 Haradatta, 11, 12n., 143
Jyeştha, 141 Haribhadra Suri, 9 and n., 1o and n., jyeștha, 137
13, 144 Harihara-tāratamya, II
Kailāsa-samhitā of the Siva-mahaHarsanātha, inscription in temple of, purāņa, 99-102 5
Kala-vikarana, 141 Hatha-yoga, 59
kalā, 23, 28, 29, 33, 37, 64, 100, 137, Hayavadana Rao, 10 and n., II
141, 165, 167, 170-1 Hindu faith, 43
kalā-tattva, 170 Hoisington's translation of Umāpati's Kalpa-sūtras, 92
commentary on Siva-jñāna-bodha, Kanarese language, 16n., 18, 149 151
Kapila, 6, 70n.
Kapilānda, 6, 1318., 144 icchā-sakti, 62, 63, 100, 157
karma, 23, 28, 40, 108, 131, 157, 162, Indolence, 126
163, 164, 170, 190; compromise Inference, 9, 11, 13, 28, 145; of the between theory of grace and theory
existence of God, 22, 23, 25-6, of karma, 13; experience mani79-80, 84, 90, 160, 161-2, 175, 181; fested in accordance with karma, 27, based on perception, 132–3; of two 109, 110, 152-3; fruits of karma kinds, 133; of the existence of self, bestowed by God, 31, 50, 85-9, 138-9; of cause from effect, effect 94-5, 148-9, 168, 185-6; path of from cause, and presence from karma distinguished from the path absence, 171
of knowledge, 73-5; theory of Intuition, 33, 62, 73, 127; intuitive karma in Siddhanta system, 172
wisdom, 126; intuitive knowledge karunā, 4, 131 of Siva, 189-90
Kaunāda language, 47 işta-linga, 62
Kauņdinya, 4, 5-6, 13-14, 17, 130-2, Išāna, 6, 131n., 141, 144
139, 142, 145-6, 148 zśāna, 82, 119
Kauruşa, 6, 131n., 144 Isvara, 79, 98-9, 124, 132, 141, 143, Kausika, 6, 1318., 144 168, 178, 180-1
Kāla, 137, 141 iśvara, 165
kāla, 33, 90, 99, 101, 109, 112, 121, Isvara-kāraņins, 1, 98, 143
165, 167, 171 īśvarakrişna, 115
Kālamukhas, 2-3, 9 and n., 50, 51, īśvara-tattua, 167
70n., 91, 97, 145
Kālidāsa, 46 jada-sakti, 75
Kālottarāgama, 14n. Jagaddhara, 2
kālya, 137 Jaigişavya, 6
Kāmikāgama, 18 and n., 21, 46, 48, 50, Jaimini, 73
61, 72, 91, 124

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