Kureśa, 45 Kusika, 6, 13, 1311., 144 Kūrma-purāņa, 6n., 66, 72, 73
Kāmin, 141 kāmya karma, 182 Kāņāda, 6, 70n. Kāņādas, 15 Kānphāță Yogis, 58 Kāpāleśvara, temple of, near Nasik,
2-3 Kāpālikas, 1, 2-3, 9n., 50, 70, 72, 91,
97, 154 Kāpālika-vrata, 2 kāraņa, I, 15, 131, 133, 137, 170 Kāravaņa-māhātmya, 7, 13, 14 kārikā, 115, 146 Kāruņika-siddhāntins, 1, 2, 4, 50, 70 kārya, I, 131, 132, 133 Kärikā, 11 Kāśikā-urtti, 12n. Kāśmir form of Saivism, 98, 101-2 Kāyārohana (Käravaņa), Bhrgu
kşetra, 7 hãya-siddhi, 59 Kena Upanişad, 119 kevalin, 141 Knowledge, 35, 48, 55, 63, 75, 165,
170-1, 174, 181; identical in essence with activity, 30-1; wrong knowledge, 32, 100; in the stage of ahankāra, 34; as pure consciousness, 37, 57, 58, 93; special quality of knowledge possessed by the soul, 92-3; an aspect of Siva, 100-I, 153-4; devotion identified with knowledge, 102, 103, 105; sorrow removed through knowledge, 108, 117; mediate and immediate know ledge, 118; leads to yoga, 122, 125; revealed through awareness, 133; Pāśupata view of, 141-2, 146–7; pragmatic and non-pragmatic know- ledge, 182-3; whether Brahman is of the nature of knowledge, 184; acquisition of knowledge assisted by performance of Vedic duties, 188-9;
intuitive knowledge of Siva, 189-90 Koluttunga I, Chola king, 45 kriyā, 33, 123, 148, 157, 161 kriya-sakti, 62, 100, 147, 157 kriyākhyā sakti, 120 kşara, 109 kula, 58 Kumāra, 6 Kumārila Bhatta, 156 kundalin, 59 Kuni, 6
Lakulisa, 5, 6 and n., 7 lakultía, 7 Lakulas, 50-1 Lākulisa-pāśupatas, I, 51, 72, 142 Lākulisa-pāśupata-darśana, 7 Liberation, 22, 67, 69, 70, 73, 76-7,
142, 145, 162, 171, 174, 186; although attainable by personal action, such action is due to the grace of God, 78–9, 88-9, 105, 115; and the enjoyment of pure bliss, 82, 86-7; soul becomes omniscient in liberation, 93, 141, 161, and one with Brahman, 94; four types of liberation, 102-3; attained through true knowledge, 105, 115, 118, 189-90, through meditation, 108, 147, through suffering, 117, through the will of God, 119, 136, through non-attachment to virtue and vice, 122, through yogic processes, 122-8, 152, through the grace of God, 131-2, 152–3, through strength or power (bala), 146, through the dispersal of the non-spiritual, 164-5, through the worship of God in the physical and spiritual form, 185; assisted by performance of Vedic
duties, 188-9 linga, 42, 52, 61-2, 1191., 133-4, 177
and n., 185 linga-dhārana, 38, 42, 44, 46, 53,
189 Linga-dhāraņa-candrikā of Nandikes
vara, 52, 188n. linga-sthala, 61-2 Lingāyats, 42 Logos, 121 Lokākşi, 6
Madhva, 65, 179, 185 mahat, 119n. Mahābhārata, 5, 7, 67, 91, 97 mahābhūtas, 166 Mahādeva, 141 mahādeva, 120 Mahadevi, 53 mahādevī, 120 Maha-guru Kaleśvara, 61 Mahā-kāruņikas, 121n., 154, 162