402 The Nimbārka School of Philosophy [ch. Rāmacandra Bhatta, Krsna Bhatta, Padmākara Bhatta, Śravaņa Bhatta, Bhūri Bhatta, Madhva Bhatta, Syāma Bhatta, Gopāla Bhatta, Valabhadra Bhatta, Gopīnātha Bhatta (who is described as a great controversialist), Keśava, Gangala Bhatta, Keśava Kāśmīrī, Śrī Bhatta and Harivyāsadeva. Up to Harivyāsadeva apparently all available lists of teachers agree with one another; but after him it seems that the school split into two and we have two different lists of teachers. Bhandarkar has fixed the date for Harivyāsadeva as the thirty-second teacher after Nimbārka. The date of Harivyāsadeva and his successor in one branch line, Damodara Gosvāmī, has been fixed as 1750-1755. After Harivyāsadeva we have, according to some lists, Paraśurāmadeva, Harivamsadera, Nārāyaṇadeva, Vrndāvanadeva and Govindadeva. According to another list we have Svabhūrāmadeva after Harivyāsadeva, and after him Karmaharadeva, Mathuradeva, Syāmadeva, Sevadeva, Naraharideva, Dayārāmadeva, Pūrņadeva, Manisīdeva, Rādhākrsnaśarañadeva, Harideva and Vrajabhūşanasaraṇadeva who was living in 1924 and Santadāsa Vāvājī who died in 1935. A study of the list of teachers gives fairly convincing proof that on the average the pontifical period of each teacher was about fourteen years. If Harivyāsadeva lived in 1750 and Sāntadāsa Vāvājī who was the thirteenth teacher from Harivyāsadeva died in 1935, the thirteen teachers occupied a period of 185 years. This would make the average pontifical period for each teacher about fourteen years. By backward calculation from Harivyāsadeva, putting a period of fourteen years for each teacher, we have for Nimbărka a date which would be roughly about the middle of the fourteenth century.
Nimbārka's commentary of the Brahma-sūtras is called the Vedānta-pārijata-saurabha as has been already stated. A commentary on it, called the Vedānta-kaustubha, was written by his direct disciple Srīnivāsa. Kesava-kāśmīrī Bhatta, the disciple of Mukunda, wrote a commentary on the Vedānta-kaustubha, called the Vedānta-kaustubha-prabhā. He also is said to have written a commentary on the Bhagavad-gītā, called the Tattva-prakāśikā, a commentary on the tenth skanda of Bhāgavata-purāna called the Tattva-prakāśikā-veda-stuti-tīkā, and a commentary on the Taittrīya Upanisad called the Taittriya-prakāśikā. He also wrote a work called Krama-dīpikā, which was commented upon by Govinda