XXXI] Works of Vallabha and his Disciples 375
The Sevāphala of Vallabha is a small tract of eight verses which discusses the obstacles to the worship of God and its fruits; it was commented upon by Kalyāṇarāja. He was the son of Govindarāja, the second son of Vitthalanātha, and was born in 1571; he was the father of Harirāja, and wrote commentaries on the Șodaśa-grantha and also on the rituals of worship. This work was also commented on by Devakinandana, who was undoubtedly prior to Puruşottama. One Devakinandana, the son of Raghunātha (the fifth son of Vitthalanātha), was born in 1570; a grandson of the same name was born in 1631. There was also a commentary on it by Haridhana, otherwise called Harirāja, who was born in 1593; he wrote many small tracts. There was another commentary on it by Vallabha, the son of Vitthala. There were two other Vallabhas--one the grandson of Devakīnandana, born in 1619, and the other the son of Vitthalarāja, born in 1675; it is probable that the author of the commentary of the Sevāphala is the same Vallabha who wrote the Subodhini-lekha. There are other commentaries by Purusottama, Gopeśa, and Lālu Bhatta, a Telugu Brāhmin; his other name was Bālakṣşņa Dīkṣita. He probably lived in the middle of the seventeenth century; he wrote Anubhāsyanigūdhārtha-prakāśikā on the Anubhāsya of Vallabha and a commentary on the Subodhini (the Subodhini-yojana-nibandha-yojana Sevākaumudī), Nirnayārnava, Prmeya-ratnārnava, and a commentary on the Sodaśa-grantha. There is another commentary by Jayagopāla Bhatta, the son of Cintāmaņi Dīkṣita, the disciple of Kalyāņarāja. He wrote a commentary on the Taittiriya Upanişad, on the Krsna-karņāmặta of Bilvamangala, and on the Bhakti-vardhini. There is also a commentary by Lakşmaņa Bhatta, grandson of Srinātha Bhatta and son of Gopinātha Bhatta, and also two other anonymous commentaries.
Vallabha's Bhakti-vardhini is a small tract of eleven verses, commented upon by Dvārakeśa, Giridhara, Bālakrsna Bhatta (son of the later Vallabha), by Lālu Bhatta, Jayagopāla Bhatta, Vallabha, Kalyānarāja, Puruşottama, Gopeśvara, Kalyānarāja and Bālakrsna Bhatta; there is also another anonymous commentary.
The Sannyāsa-nirnaya, the Sevāphala and the Bhakti-vardhini are included in the Sixteen Tracts of Vallabha (the Șodaśa-grantha); the others are Yamunāstaka, Bālabodha, Siddhānta-muktāvali,