MADHVA not only wrote a Bhāsya on the Brahma-sūtras, but also described the main points of his views regarding the purport of the Brahma-sūtras in a work called the Anuvyākhyāna. Jaya-tīrtha wrote a commentary on the Bhāsya of Madhva, known as Tattvaprakāśikā. Vyāsa Yati wrote another commentary on the Tattvaprakāśikā, the Tātparya-candrikā, in which he draws attention to and refutes the views of the Vedānta writers of other schools of interpretation and particularly of the Sankara school. Rāghavendra Yati wrote a commentary on the Tātparya-candrikā, the Candrikā-prakāša. Keśava Bhattāraka, a pupil of Vidyādhāśa, wrote another commentary on it, the Candrikā-vākyārtha-vivrti, but it extends only to the first book. Rāghavendra Yati wrote another commentary on the Tattva-prakāśikā, the Bhāva-dīpikā, in which he answered the criticisms of his opponents and explained the topics in a simpler manner. In the present section I shall try to trace the interpretation of the Brahma-sūtras by Madhva in the light of these commentaries, noting its difference from the interpretation of Sankara and his commentators. There are, of course, several other commentaries on the Brahma-sūtra-bhāsya and its first commentaries, as also on the Anuvyākhyāna. Thus Trivikrama Panditācārya wrote a commentary, the Tattva-pradīpikā, on Madhva's Bhāsya. Nộsimha wrote a Bhāva-prakāśa and Vijayīndra Yati a Nyāyādhva-dīpikā thereon. Again, on the Tattva-prakāśikā of Jaya-tirtha there are at least five other commentaries, e.g., Bhāvacandrikā, Tattva-prakāśikā-bhāva-bodha, Tattva-prakāśikā-gatanyāya-vivarana, Nyāya-mauktikā-mālā and Prameya-muktāvali by Narasimha, Raghūttama Yati, Vijayīndra Yati and Srinivāsa. On the Tātparya-candrikā there are at least two other commentaries, by Timmanācārya and Vijayindra Yati, called Candrikā-nyāyavivarana and Candrikādarpana-nyāya-vivarana. On the Anuvyākhyāna there is the Nyāya-sudhā of Jaya-tīrtha and Sudhā
See Helmuth von Glasenapp's Madhva's Philosophie des Vishnu-Glaubens, Bonn and Leipzig, 1923, pp. 51-64.