Rāmānuja Literature
Sārīraka-śāstrārtha-dīpikā, on the Brahma-sutra, following the interpretations of Rāmānuja. His Mula-bhāva-prakāśikā, a commentary on the Śrī-bhāṣya, has already been referred to in this section. He wrote also a commentary on the Nyāya-siddhāñjana of Venkatanatha, called Nyāya-siddhāñjana-vyākhyā. He was a pupil of Parakala Yati and probably lived in the sixteenth century. He wrote also three other works, called Viṣaya-vākya-dīpikā, Chānlagyopanisad-bhāṣya, and Rāmānuja-siddhānta-sāra. Rāmānujadāsa, called also Mahācārya, lived probably early in the fifteenth century, and was a pupil of Vadhūla Śrīnivāsa. This Vādhūla Śrīnivāsa, author of the Adhikaraṇa-sārārtha-dipikā, must be an earlier person than Śrīnivāsadāsa, author of the Yatīndra-mata-dīpikā, who was a pupil of Mahācārya. Mahācārya wrote a work called Pārāśaryavijaya, which is a thesis on the general position of the Rāmānuja Vedänta. He wrote also another work on the Sri-bhāṣya called Brahma-sutra-bhāṣyopanyāsa. Mahācārya's other works are Brahmavidya-vijaya, Vedānta-vijaya, Rahasya-traya-mīmāmsā, Rāmānujacarita-culuka, Aṣṭādasa-rahusyārtha-nirṇaya, and Canda-măruta, a commentary on the Sata-düşani of Venkatanatha. He should be distinguished from Rāmānujācārya, called also Vādihamsāmbuvāha, uncle of Venkaṭanatha.
There is a work called Śrī-bhāṣya-vārttika, which, unlike most of those above, has already been printed; but the author does not mention his name in the book, which is composed in verse. Senānatha, or Bhagavat Senapati Miśra, who is an author of later date, wrote Sariraka-nyāya-kalāpa. Vijayīndra Bhiksu was the author of Šārīraka-mīmāmsā-vṛtti, and Raghunathārya of Sārīraka-śāstrasamgati-sāra. Sundararaja-deśika, an author of the sixteenth century, wrote a simple commentary on the Sri-bhāṣya called Brahma-sūtra-bhāṣya-vyākhyā. Venkaṭācārya, probably an author of the sixteenth century, wrote Brahma-sūtra-bhāṣya-pūrva-pakṣasamgraha-kārikā in verse. This Venkaṭācārya was also known as "Prativādībhakesari." He also composed Acārya-pañcāśat. Campakeśa, who has already been referred to, wrote a commentary on the Sri-bhāṣya, called Śrī-bhāṣya-vyākhyā. Venkaṭanāthārya wrote a work called Śrī-bhāṣya-sāra. Śrīvatsānka Śrīnivāsācārya was the author of Sri-bhāṣya-sārārtha-samgraha. Śrīrangācārya composed Sri-bhāṣya-siddhanta-sāra and Śrīnivāsācārya wrote a work called Sri-bhāṣyopanyāsa. There are two other commentaries, called