(FEBRUARY, 1892.
p. 32, a palm-leaf MS. of Chandragômin's Sishyalekha-dharmakuvya is dated : -
Samvat 200.4. Vaisakha-sukl-Ashtamyam 8ôma-dinê.
And here, again, the 8th tithi of the bright half of Vaisakha of the expired Nêwår year 204 commenced on Monday, the 15th April,
A. D. 2084, 8 h. 43 m. after mean sunrise, and ended 9 h. 59 m. after mean sunrise of the .following day," and I here, too, take the meaning of the date to be, that the writer finished his work on the Monday, after the commencement of the 8th tithi. Göttingen.
NOTES AND QUERIES. AN ENGLISH INSCRIPTION AT. MAULMAIN. the great heell and unable to coming out. This
At Maulmain, on the platform of the chief bell is made by Koona Lingahyah the Priest and pagoda, is a large bell of the usual Burmese type weight 600 viss. No one body design to destroy with a quaint inscription cut in English thereon, this bell. Maulmain, March 30th, 1855." which is worth preserving: - "He who destroyed to this bell they must be in
BOOK-NOTICE. The PRACHINA GUJARATI SAHITYA RATNAMALA, or manuscript has वन्दित्वा and not वन्दयित्वा, and the Garland of Gems of Old Gujarati Literature. The
correct form here is of course trecut. The First Gom, the MUGDAAVABODHAMAUKTIKA, or Grammar for Beginners, of the Gujarati Language
causal form would be meaningless or absurd in (V.-S. 1650). Edited by H. H. Dhruva, B.A., LL.B. this instance. Printed and published at the Subodha-Prakash
At the end of page 10 Mr. Dhruva gives some Press, Bombay. 1889. Pp. vii., 28, 55.
Karikas on samuisa. In the last verse of tbe 1st This work, edited by Mr. H. H. Dhruva,
Kurika Mr. Dhruva gives YTCU, while the B.A., LL.B., is one of a series proposed by
manuscript has TT. This wrong grammar him to be issued with a view to rescue the
may be the result of a mere misprint; but being old vernacular literature of India from the oblivion in which it is at present lying. Evidently
only one of many such instances, it indicates Mr. Dhruva believes this work to be a grammar
careless editing. The 3rd verge of the 2nd of the Gujarati language of the time to which
f the time to which Karike has the expletive fe inserted superfluously. it belongs (V.-S. 1450 = A. D. 1394). I It does not exist in the original, and it makes the shall presently examine how far this assumption verse scan wrongly. on his part is based on a correct appreciation of the These are some of the minor errors into which subject-matter of the work. But I propose first the editor has run. There are, however, instances to point out some of the many mistakes and in which the results of hurry and want errors which have resulted from the evidently careful study have been more serious. To cite superficial manner in which Mr. Dhruva has some of these :studied the work, and the very careless way in Page 16, col. 1. - About the beginning of the which it has been edited.
vocabulary Mr. Dhruva has — 311gi afe. Mr. Dhruva has based his edition on a single
The original manuscript has here and not a
The manuscript, -the one belonging to the Gujarat
and the similarity in sound of * Vernacular Society of Ahmedabad. I have had the
has betrayed advantage of a look at this manuscript, and I shall
the editor into putting of where the real word point out some of the results of Mr. Dhruva's is a. This point owes its importance to the facts hurry and carelessness, by instances of disagree that is the intermediate form from which the ment between his manuscript and his edition. I modern Gujarati word at is derived, and that the
At the end of page 4 of Mr. Dhruva's edition we broad pronunciation of it in this at (as in " awe" find the expression 15 y ear. The original is attributable to the pre-existent 8 in 3.2
14 Compare No. 168 of my Vikrams dates, ante, Vol. XIX. p. 361.
1 One viss = 100 tickals=3.65 lbs. avoirdupois.
1 [A curious instance of this carelessness stares one in the face on the very title-page, where the name of the work is given in Roman characters as "Mugdha bôdha Auktika," but in Dovan Agar charactersus Mugo dhåvabódhamauktika." The latter form occurs also
at the end of the work; while three lines above there is again " Auktika." As the title-page declares this book to be "prathamah mauktikam," the real name seems to be Mugdhduab8dhamauktika.-EDITOR.] | It would be well to indicate here that in Gujarati and ST have each of them two distinct pronunciations, broad and narrow, or short and long ; broad or short