[AUGUST, 1992.
No. 138 (lvi. 45). Moragirimk7 Ghâțila-matu dânam. The gift of the mother of Ghatila, from Mayuragiri.
No. 139 (lvi. 47). Samidatîya dînan. The gift of Svamidatta.
No. 140 (lvi. 48). Chulanasa dânań. The gift of Chullana.68
No. 141 (lvi. 49). Avisanasa dânam. The gift of Aviananna.ce
No. 142 (Ivi. 50). [Avisanasa dánar. The gift of Avishanna,
No. 143 (lvi. 51). Sanghamitasa bodhicha kasa danam. The gift of a bódhichakra by Sanghamitra.
No. 144 (lvi. 52). Budharakhitasa Pachanekâyikasa dânam. The gift of Buddharakshita, who is versed in the five Nikayas.70
No. 145 (ivi. 53). Isirakhitasa 71 sachi danan. A rail, the gift of Bishirakshita.
No. 146 (lvi, 55). Phagudevîye bhichhuniye dånam. The gift of the nan Phalgudėvi.
No. 147 (lvi. 56). Kodaya Yakhiyâ danań. The gift of a Yakshi by Kroda.72
No. 148 (lvi. 57). Ghosaye dånań. The gift of Ghosha.
No. 149 (Ivi. 59). Seriya putasa Bharanidevaga dana. The gift of Bharanideva, the son of Sri.
No. 150 (lvi. 60). Mitadevâye danaṁ. The gift of Mitradeva.
No. 151.13 Isa nasa dâna. The gift of Ihana.
07 Moragirim is either a clerical mistake for Moragirimhd, or stands for the maimilated form Morugirimmd. Compare wachitammi for wafichitdomi, and paid for parahid in the Jalaka, Vol. I. pp. 287 and 146.
This word is derived from chulla (Sanskrit kshudra). Compare Dhamanaka, NAkanaka, Pusapaka, Ramanaka, Usabhanaka and Vasulapaks in the cave inscriptions
Compare Avisins in two Sfichi insoriptions 70 See Childers' Pali Dictionary, s. v. nekdyiko. 11 tasa looks like tása.
19 Compare Kodi ina Karle insoription (Arch, Burvey of W. India, Vol. IV. p. 91, No. 16) and Kods in a Sopra inscription (Dr. Bh. Indraji's Sopard and Padana, p. 18). The word dinamh governs both & subjective and an objective genitive, as in No. 143; see Påņini, ii, 8, 65.
** On the same rail as the identical inscription No. 112, but in more modern characters.