OCTOBER, 1892.)
surukkham Kodillayam 33 sagabhaddiy #823 kappåsiyaņ24 nagasuhumam kanagasattari25 vaïsesiyam 26 Vuddhavayayama vêsiyam99 Løgâyatam satthitamtam Madharam30 paranam vigaranam Bhagavayam31 Paanjali Pussadêvayam lêham (hêlam MS.) ganiam saunaruyama nadaya 1,33 abava (10) bavattari kalo chattari ya vêya samgôvamga. The commentary offers nothing in explanation : 34 tê cha lokaprasiddhah, tatô lôkata êva têshûm svarůpam avagaitavyam.
Under anangapavittham (No. 14 is, however, treated of before No. 13) are enumerated the titles of all the texts belonging to the Siddhanta at the time of the composition of the Nandi, but not included in the angas. This enumeration is extremely interesting. It must have been retained as a stereotyped list for a long period after the composition of the Nandi, since it is to be found verbatim et litteratim not only in the Pákshikasútra (P),36 but also in the 3 sâmâcháris (see pp. 369, 370) in a form that is but slightly different.36 The great interest which attaches to this list is caused by the fact that the largest portion of the texts similar to these and now belonging to the Siddhanta is mentioned here, and that a different arrangement is observed. They are not enumerated in the special groups into which they are now divided. The names of these groups are partly wanting, e.g., uvamga, pažnna chhêasutta, malasuttn are not mentioned at all, and pažnna occurs, but in a different meaning. A large number of titles or texts are mentioned which at present are either not found in the (11) Siddhanta, or, if found at all, are merely titles of subdivisions and not of independent texts; and in some cases these titles appear to have arisen from their connection with the subject matter itself.
The anamgapavittham is divided into two groups: avassayam and Avasgayavaïrittam. The avassayam is called chhavviham and six names for it are enumerated : simsiyam chaüvisathao etc. Cf. my remarks on page 433 and on anuyogadv. and mulasutta 2. The Avassayavaïrittam is double : kaliyam cha ukkaliyan cha. Then follows the enumeration of the texts counted as belonging to the ukkAliyam :37 1. dasaveyaliyam 45,38 2. lappiyákappiya,,30 3. chulla
21 Oktar A, shkar R.
12 Kóda An., whero ghodamuhan (A, odayamu c, Jayasuhatin B, dayasuyath R) follows. Nxd. too has khôdamuham, but after sayabhao. 28 sagadabha BCR, sêtambha' A.
2 kappakappiam A. 25 gattari vésiyarn BCR, viriyani omitted in A. * 80 An. Nxd. Vasesiyam the Berlin MS. of N. (=MS.)
97 'vaņayath MS., Vuddhaskaanan BCR, ratha(!) vayanam A; in An. we find alao KAvilan; also in Ned. KAviliyam comes before Logao
#tèsiyam Ned., BC Romit. » Already mentioned in the aóga, see Bhag. 2, 246, page 304 (of. Kalpas. pp. 35, 101) and Max Müller: India, What can it teach us? p. 362.
* See Ind. Stud. 13, 337, 68, 435 and Agnimâthara Vishặupar. 3, 4, 18 (pp. 44, 45 Wilson-Hall). 31 Bhagavayar to saiņardvan omitted in An.
» sacparuvam MS. ; perhaps ruyam, otherwise the last of the 72 kalks; see above p. 283. In the scholiast on Ayasy. 12, 36: sünipro vi garahiỏ hơi we find the following peculiar statement:- Sakuntiabdena chaturdass vidyasthinani parigrihyathto: angani chaturo ved mimåså nykyavistarah I pur path, dharmallstrari cha sthankny Ahus obaturdasa || tatrA 'rgani what, tad yathe : siksbA vy Akaranath kalpab ohhando niruktash jyotisham iti. The position of the anges in the front of the list is one of the remarkable things in this statement.
$5 Mldhara purkņa v yarana BR; nicjagadt A.
* Hémachandrasuri on the Anuyógadv. has likewise anly: êtach cha Bharatadika natak&di-paryantar brutam lokaprasiddhigamyam.
85 In the Påkshikasutra this is introduced by the words namô têsan khamisamapiņam jehim imam vliyam arbgabahiram nkkaliyari (or kaliyar) bhagayantan, tam jahl: dasavey Aliyam... The Pukehikaaltram ir onamurated by R$j. L. M., se above p. 227, as the fourth molastram after the Siddhantadharmaalra. It sing the praises of each part of the Siddhihta (ságabAhirs and dullasasiga) and contains especially an acknowledgment of belief in the five inahavvayas.
* The enumeration of the names in S. contains a different grammatical construction, i, e. the names are in the genitive,
87 The avachdri gives explanations (occasionally in detail) of at least some of the names. A large number of the names is, however, passed over in silence. [Explanations may however be found at the end of the Vyavahdra. bhashya, as the corresponding part of the sutra mentiong most of the names.-L.)
# These numbers represent the arrangement which I have observed here in essential agreement with Bühler's list in the enumeration of the parts of the Siddhanta.
The texta which are no longer found a separate texts in the Siddhanta, are printed in italios. On kappiyhk, (af. kappákappiam p. 97. a), chullak. and mahlk., see the scholingt'e remarks, p. 479 above.