Jiva (Thursday) Nayarru (Sunday) ............... 322 Ravi (Sunday) .....49, 50 Sani (Saturday) .122, 277 Sêva (Tuesday) 343 Soma (Monday) Su (Sukra) (Friday) Sukra (Friday) Velli (Friday) Vri (Vrihaspati) (Thursday)................. 48 Vrihaspati (Thursday) 51 days, lucky for shaving in Madras 252; of the week, lucky and unlucky in Madras 193 days, Jain names for the, of the calendar 16 death customs, in Madras 252; among the Shâns 119; among the Chins
191, 223 death, temporary 342 f.; recovery from ..186, 189 death-bird in South India declension of consonantal bases in the inscriptions at Girnar 5, at Kapur di Giri 12, in the remaining edicts 101:- of vocalic bases in the inscriptions at Girnâr 5 f., at Kapur di Giri 12, in the remaining edicts 102 of pronouns in the inscriptions at Girnar 6, in the inscriptions at Kapur di Giri 12 f., in the remaining edrets 103:-of numerals in the inscriptions at Girnår 6, Kapur di Giri 13, in the remaining edicts... 104 degree of the sun specified in dates 49 Devanandin, the author of the Jainendraryuikarana .......................................................156 note Dévagiri = Daulatâbâd 197 Devapála his copper-plate grant found at Mungir 253; genealogy of....253, 254 Devi Nagi ............................................ 364 Dhammacheti of Pegu, his great inscriptions at th Kalyanisimâ near Pegu Dharmaditya probably Samudra Gupta 45 of Vijayapura 169 Dhritishéna, a Jain teacher...... 158 dialects, literary, of ancient. India were Vedic, classical Sanskrit, mixed Sanskrit, literary Prakrits
***********..... ******************
51 48
275 .386 n.
Di-ba-di, the Burmese title, explained dice, use of, in ancient India as a means of divination 132 f., still in use in India and adjacent countries 134- ancient techni calities in connection with, esplained...... 133 f. Digambaras, their migrations were South to North CO; arose as a seet about 162-173 A. V. 60; separated from the Svétámbaràs in the time of Bhadrabahu 59; divided into four divisions in the days of Maghanan lin 59 the gachchas of the Digam baras. merely side branches of the main line 52 there are two distinct traditions as to pektifical succession among the 57;
points of difference in the traditions as to the pontifical succession, discussed 57 ff.:details of the differences in names and dates of the pontifical succession among
the 62-63 Pattavalis of the ..............57. Dinachintamani, wife of Kulottunga-Chôla... 282 disease, Shân notions as to the origin and cause of ............... ............................. 119 disguise in folktales, effected by a skin......... 164 divination- by means of shooting an arrow
at random 160:- Indian, as recorded in the Bower MS. 129 ff.:- in ancient India by dice 132 f.:- among the Jains 216by fowl's bones among the Karennis........ 318 divorce among the Shans.................... 119
eating, superstition connected with, in Madras.......... ............. 252 eclipse, customs in Madras at .......................................**** 123 eggs used for divination 206: the use of, in Parsi festivals... .144 note Ekamranatha (see Sâmanta-Bhoja Dôchi) 197: is a Saiva temple at Kanchipura 197 Ekasilanagara Worangal
198 28
elephants, images of, as offerings Elisaivallabhi, wife of Kulôttunga-Chōla 252 eishemin yuvarája.......... 290
cras: Gupta, commencement of the, 203 and note: Lakshamanasĉna, note on the 50 f.Saka, commencement of the 203; founded by Kanishka 206; Kanishka and his successors used the 78; used in the two Mathura inscriptions dated year 135 and year 280, 207; Nahapana the Kalaharâta and the Kshatrapa Sênas of Gurajât used 207
the cras used in recorded dates:Kaliyuga Lakshmanasena Newar
...50, 51
Saka...............47, 48, 49, 50, 122, 197, 322 Vikrama.............. ....51, 277 eras, Muhammadan, used in recorded Hindu
50 50
Mahammada Yavana Hijra) euphemisms, folk origin for........................ 261 Eve in a folktale evil eye instance of 93; in Bibâr 168; in Persia
f, a rare sound in the Tibeto-Burmese languages........................................... fairy spirit 165 lives in well 342:--
can perform penance 165, can give and take away disease 342:- marriage of, with a