... 110
Sôma, wife of Ganapati of Kanchipura ......... Surishtra, chronology of the kings of.........203 f. Somasundara, commentator on the first Sariyapannatti, a most important work on painnam ..............
Jain astronomy .............. ............... 14 Sómavamsa, the, included the Western Chå- Suriyapannatti Bhagavats, is the fifth upas. lukyas
.................... 168
gam of the Jains........ Somesvars II., Western Chalukya.............. 283 Suryaprajñapti = Suriyapannatti, q. o. ...... 14 son, only, in folktales 23;- youngest, the, in Suttanippan, a Taungfå MS. work, described. 379
folktales, his doings ....... ...............312 ff. Svētâmbaras, separated from the Digambaras Sõna and Uttara, the Buddhist missionaries,
in the time of Bhadrabahu ..................... in the time of Bhadrababu ...
59 images of, at Kökbênnsyôn Hill 381; story
of, doubtful........................................... 386 songomby, a mythical animal of the Mala- t and k, confusion of, in Hákà Chin ............ 128 gasy ................
............... 251
tablets, glazed, see glazed bricks. sons, three, in folktales 312: seven, in folk- tabu, limits to cohabitation among the Shans tales ..............
119:- forbidden occupation to busbands of ........................... 160 Sophia, nickname of Sap'ayllat ...........290 note
lying-in women among the Shâns 117 :spells in Ancient India ........
forbidden articles of food to lying-in India ... ..................... 3+9 ff. spirit=fairy 165 :- loses " virtue" by touch
women among the Shâns 117:- forbidden ing a human being .165:- haunts of, in
things to women during a war expedition Madras 279:- Chin notions of 216; of a
among the Shâns ............... ................... 120 tree, among the Chins 191; of the forest,
Tai family of Shân Tribes, the................116, 117 among the Chins 191:- worship of, in
Taik'è = Chinese Share ............................ 117 Madagascar .............................................. 251
Taikkuld is Ayet bèmå ............................... 383 Sravana-Belgola; remarks on the real purport
Taila II. (Western Chalukya) established the of an inscription here, which has been dynasty, by overthrowing the Rashtra supposed to mention the Sruta-Kevalin katas, in A. D. 973-74 .............
167 Bhadrabahu
............ 156 Taileng = Taitaü ............ Srinagara = Patna ...........
... 25+ Tainamkam, a division of the Northern stone, turning into, in folktales .................. 189 Shâns ................................................ 117 substituted person in folktales : wife 341 f.; Tainu = Northern Shans..........
117 children ..........................................374 ff. Taitaü = Southern Shåns ......................... 117 subterraneous palace, a story of a ............161 ff. Talaing Country, the 377; ancient kingdom succession, rule of royal, brothers before sons of 377; language 377; its epigraphic and 287 ff. :-- practical application of 288:
historical value 377; MSS. at Pågåt...... 377 f. obtained in the Eastern and Western
Tashôn Chins, the geographical distribution Chålukya dynasties 288; in the Valabhi of the 190 ; geographical boundaries of the Line 289; in the Målêr-Kötlå State 283; 190; polity of the 190; names of their in Manipur 287; in the Shan States 288; chiefs 190 :- speak nearly the same language in ancient England 292 f. :- authority for,
as the Baunghe Chins ........................190 f. from the Jitukas .........
tatsanas, in the inscriptions of Piyadasi...... 147 f. sudden action, a bad omen in Madras tattooing among the Chins ........................ 222
- noises unlucky in Madras ............. 318 Taung is, a Burmese tribe 205: origin of the Sukulava, a Malagasy tribe ........................ 250 215 f.; border on the Welaung Ching ...... 215 Sundar Bandi=Sundara-Pandya................ 122 Taungfùs, notes on the 379 ff.; their lan. Sundara, a note on kings and princes in guage 379; their alphabet, its value historiS. India bearing that name ..................... 122 enlly .... .........
........................ 379 Sundara. Pånelya, materials for calculating Telunga = Andhra = Trikalinga = Trilinga 198
the date of 121 f.; his date settled by terminations, verbal, in the inscriptions at an inscription at Srirangam 121; bis Girnar 7 f., at Kapur di Giri 13:- verbal, accession falls between Saka 1162 and 1180, conjugation of, in the remaining ediets ...105 f. 122; Saka 1182 expired is the only year Thagyập'aya at Thatón, a note on the corresponding to his inscription 122 :
glazed tablets on the......... .............. 381 = Jatavarman 122; (Jatavarman) distinct Tharkwadi, King of Burma, grandson of from Sundara-Pandya (Mar&varman) 344:
Bodòp'aya ..................... ............... 290 Marco Polo's Sender Bandi ................. 122 Thatón, a visit to 3R0; is the Suvanyabbami sipayd = royal princess ..................... 290 note of the Buddhist books 380; is the Aurea Süp'ayâlàt, Queen of Burma, wife of Thibd...290 f.! Regio of Ptolemy
............. 380
.......... 291