Chapa (or Dhanuḥ) Mêsha
Simha ........................ Tâvura
mouth of 186: charm against snake-bite
Saka era (see era), commencement of 203: - its use in Cambodia 47 f., in Java....... 48 Sakyamuni Buddha in the Bharaut in
350 ff. Sêvana, Yadava king = Ramachandra of Dêvagiri 200; defeated by Pratâ parudra... 199 Sêvana Country = Sêuna = Sinnar in Nasik District 199, also Devagiri sh is later than the date of the Piyadasi inscriptions.............
scriptions 226 Salsette, folk lore in ..................23 ff., 45 ff. Sâmanta-Bhoja Dôchi, governor of Kanchi, endows the Ekâmranatha temple Samdéhavishaushadir, a commentary on the fourth chhedasútra sha, the letter, is a test letter in ancient ******************** sashkranti, zodiacal sign, mentioned in a Indian Alphabets 30 recorded date instead of the lunar month... 49 Sha-chi of Fa-Hian identified............. 320 saskrántis, names of, mentioned in recorded Shan States, tribes of the, enumerated 116; dates:tribal divisions of the 71: a legend of the 120, 121:- customs of the 116 ff.; naming customs of the 117f.; war customs of the 120 the cosmogony of the 121:their ideas as to the origin and cause of disease 119: their law of inheritance 119, 120 instances of cannibalism amongst the ....................................... 120 Shasthavu : = Ayyappan shrew, taming of a, an Indian folktale...... 317 Shwêaungyo Pagoda at Pegu, note on 385 Shwebo Min = Tharawadi, King of Burma.. 290 Shwêgagalê Pagoda described..................... 384 Shwêgügyi near Pegu, notes on the ruins at
383 f.; inscriptions at...383 f. Shwêmòdò Pagoda described .................... 385 Shwênaba Pagoda described .................. 384 f. Siamese rule in Burma, traces of....... ..... 378 sibilants not distinguished in the inscriptions of Piyadasi...
Siddhanta, a list of texts in the Jain.........372 f. Siddhantalééa, note on the ......... 28 Siddhantamuktávali, a notice of the............. 28 Siddhartha, a Jain teacher.... 158 Siharaja of Thatôn, account of .................. 380 Simhana probably the Yadava king Singhana II. of Dêvagiri 198; defeated by Ganapati of Kanchipura ..... 197 S'inbyâmâyin, mother of Sup'ayâlàt .... 290 f. S'inbyûyin, King of Burma, son of Alompra 289 Singhalam (Ceylon) invaded by Kulôttunga-Chôla ******************** ...... 282 Singûsâ, King of Burma, son of S'inbyayin. 299 Siri Polemaios of Ptolemy Pulumayi Visithiputa .......... 204 Siriyaña Gotamiputa Satakani the Andhrabhritya.
Siyin Chins, geographical distribution of 190
sleep, aspect of, in Madras
................ 193 sleeping beauty, variant of the tale of 186 f. snake (see serpent).
sankrantis, names of, mentioned in MSS. dates:
Chaitra Karkaṭa Mêsha
49 49
..49, 50 Samudra Gupta- probably Dharmaditya... 45 sandhi in the inscriptions at Girnår 5, at Kapur di Giri 11, in the remaining edicts Sanskrit (see mixed Sanskrit):
of 246 ff.; is a Brahmanical language 247 not a fixed language at the date of the inscriptions of Piyadasi 175:not yet a written language in the time of Piyadasi 177: in its ultimate form did not exist in the time of Piyadasi 177:proof of the date of introduction of 247: first inscription in, is dated 155-160 A. D. 244 classical first used in 2nd century A. D. 275, elalorated after 3rd century B. C. 275:- additions to the vocabulary of, as evidenced in the Bower MS...... .......131 f., 351 Sanskrit, inscribed tablet from Pegu 385; is Genl. Cunningham's "Buddhist seal"...... 385 Santichandra, the commentator of the Jombuddivapannati Sarada alphabet, a note on the ...............31 note Sarasvati-Gachcha of the Digambaras, merely a side-branch of the main line 59 Saurasêni Prakrit discussed 264 f. scapegoat, the, an instance of, in Tibet ...... 376 sculptures, supposed Vaishnava, from Thatûn 381 Sênas, the accession to power of the, was circ.
128-130 A. D...... Sêniya, king of Champa, legendary account
of his sons
48 48
serpents, superstitions as to, in Madras 224:among the Malagasy are embodied spirits 251, seven-headed 251:- jewel in the
21 ff.
sneezing, a bad omen in Madras ............... 168 Sòchaung Chins, their language.................. 216 solar astronomy of the Jains
.15 f.