human being 164:- odour of mortals Govardhana, a Jain teacher ......................... 158
barmful to 105:- a tale of .................. 186 f. graha a seizure, the varieties of ............36. f. Faizi Fayâzi, relics of ......... ................. 319 grammar, in the Bower MS., remarks on Falam, the capital of the Tashộn Chins ...... 190 131 f., 350 f.:--- questions of dialect in the faxanim.pito-loha, a mythical animal of the inscriptions of Piyadasi discussed 171 4.:
Malagasy ............................................ 251 notes on some general points of, in the fate, belief in, among native Christiane, exhi- inscriptions of Piyadasi 155, 146 f.; and
bited 47 note:-- in folktales, unavoidable... 46 f. differences of dialects in the inscriptions of feather (see hair) burnt, magic property of, Piyadasi are less decided than might be
to aid in distress .................................. 166 expected 155:-written, of Prakrit, cannot feuds among the Karennis, Kachins, Chins, be carlier than 2nd-4th centuries A. D.
etc................................. ................ 317 270:- Magadhi dialect of Agôka - term tirst fruits, offering of the, amongst the Shan's 1:0 explained ............................................. 173 flute, magic, a story of a........ ............... 165 f. Gudupharas = Gondophares = Yndopherres 207 folklore in Hindustan 185 ff., 277 ff., 341 ff.; Gupta, Samudra, = probably Dharmaditya.. 45
of the Kömatis 93 f.; of the Malagasy 250; Gupta Alphabet, list of inscriptions in the in Salsette 23 ff., 45 ff., 312 ff., 374 ff.; in
N.-E. 43; list of inscriptions in the N.-W. Tibet 376; in Western India ............... 160 ff. 41; list of inscriptions in the N.-W. Post-. 42 forbidden things in folktales - touching a Gupta era, commencement of the... 203 and note
fairy's (human) skin ...........................164 ff. Guptigupta, disciple of Bhadra båhu II., 159; fortnights, Ilindu lunar; see amantu ...... 47, 48 - he is inentioned in certain inscriptions fortunu-aecking, by hero in folktales ......... 161 L as Chandragupta .........
............ 156
Gachchas, the, of the Digambaras merely hair (sce feather); cock's feathers used for side-brunches of the main lino ................ 59
divination 216:-(burnt) magic property Gudag in the Dharwad District, an extract of, to aid in distress ................................. 166 from an inscription at ....................... 167
Håkà Chins, geographical distribution of the gambling in folktales ......... ................ 341 190:- dialect of 123 ff.; compared with Ganapati of Katchi = the Kakatiya king of Lushai and cognate dialects 124 ff.; the
Orugallu (Worangal) 122; was the 5th most nearly related language to it is Lushai Kakatiya king of Worangal 199; was 125; its place in the Tibeto-Burmese nephew of Rudradeva of Worangal 197;
languages............................................. 126 his descendants 199; conquered by Sundara- HànbÂwadi S'inbyQyin, king of Pegu, his great Pandya 121 ; his contemporaries 198:-his pagoda 38+; his various titles ............... 586 Kanchipura inscription is dated 8th June Hanumadachula, the Skr. name of Anuma1249 and he died in 1957 A. D. 122; the kogda ........................ ............... 198
Ekimranatha inscription of ..................197 ff. Haribhadra, commentator on the second Gangaikonda-Chola = Räjồndra-Chola ...... 823 mülastitram .......................................... Gangaikonda-Solapuram, a ruined town, note Harihara of Vijayanagara, à coin of ......... 321 on .......................
................. 323 Hashtnugar, a note on the date of a Greeco. garuda = the royal eagle, = the white kite
Buddhist inscription at .........................166 f. in Madras ........................ .................. 278 i Hêmachandrasuri, commentator on the Gathi dialect = Mixed Sanskrit ............... 2+3 f. Anuyógadurasastram ......................... 309 Gauda = Bengal .........
............... 197 Hongtan Ariman Nàt, a spirit of the Chine... 191 Gautama, the Jain Paramarshi ................... 158 hero, in folktale, outs off his own head 46: Gautami River = Godavari ..................... 199 Beeke fortune, in folktales 161: his com : gender in the inscriptions at Girnar 5, at panion, minister 185, demon, 188, monkey. 18H
Kapur di Giri 11 f., in the remaining Hidimba is in the neighbourhood of Woranedicts .................. ............... 101 gal ..................
.................. 198 glazed bricks at Pegu 384:- at Thatôn ...... 381 Hirimun, the parrot, a tale of.................... 183 guld, the term in the Bower MS. discussed...350 f. honey, to eat, a sin in Madras ............. 275 Gôļa = Gauda.............
............... 383 hovse, superstitions as to the, in Madras Gulumattikanagara is Ayethema in Lower 318:- image of, as an offering .............. 28 Burma .........
...................... 382 Hova, a Malagasy tribe, 'its Malay origin Gondophares = Yndopherres = Gudupharas. 207 250 :- folklore of, not Malay' 250:- a Gotamipata Sakatani the Andhrabhritya ... 20+ tradition of the origin of ......................... 25