Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 21
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 353
________________ NOVEMBER, 1892.) SACRED LITERATURE OF THE JAINS. 329 30. tavamaggijjam, oggô s, maijjam V, 37 vv., tapômûrgagati. Begins: jaha u påvaga kamma rågadôsasamajjiya khavêi tavasâ bhikkhů tam égagamaņô suņa 11 ill 31. charaṇavibi, 21 vv.; charanavidhi. 32. Pamayatthânań, 111 vv.; pramîdasthånåni. Begins : achchamtakalassa samúlayassa savvassa dukkbassa u jo pamákkho tam bhåsað mê padipannachitta suņéha égamtahiyan -hiyattham. 33. kammapayadi, karmaprakritib, 25 vv. Begins : astha kammkin (cf. Bhag. 2, 196) vuchhami aņupavvim jahakkamam | jêhim baddhë ayam jivê | samsûrê parivattâê 11 1 || nåņassâ "varaņijjam | damsanavaraṇam tabê vêyaņijjam tahů moham | Aukamman tahêva ya 11 11 nâmakayyam cha goyaṁ cha | amtarûyam tahêva ya. Closes : êêsim samvarê cheva | khavaņê ya jae (yatêta) buhể tti bêmill 11 The nâņam e. g. is (see N. Anuy. Avasy. Aupap. p. 41) five-fold: suyam, Abhinibohiyam, ôhinânań, mudanâņam, kêvalam. 34. lēsajjhayaņam, lesya, 62 vv.; anamtare (in 33) prakṣitaya uktas, tatsthitié cha lôśyavasatah ; apra[ 40 ]śastalékyâtyagataḥ praśnstê êva t adbishthậtatavyAh. Begins : lêsajjbayanam pavakkhâmi i anapuvvim jahakkamar chha ham pi kammaldskņam | anubhê vê suņêha me ll ll Closes : appasatthâu vajjitta I pasatthau ahitthâ8 (adhitishthết) muņi tti bêmi 11 621 Bhag. 1, 160, Leum. Aup. p. 149. 35. aṇagâramaggam, oggé s, ggô V; 21 vv.; himsậparivarjan dayê bhikkhugunah. Begins : suņêha mê égaman magjam Savvannudêsiyam 1 jam kyaram to bhikkha i dokkbâņa 'mtakaró bhavê il 1 11. Closes : nimmamo nirahankârð viyarágô anåsa vô sampatto kêvalam nâņam BÅsayam parinivvuda tti bêmi Il 31 11 36. jirajivavibhatti, 268 vv. Begins: jivÂjivavibhattim sunê ha mê êgamaņa ið 1 jam jániųņa bhikkhû samma jayas samjamê Il 1 11. Closes : ii pâu kâré buddhê | ņâyâe parinivvue chattisan uttarajjhko bhavasiddhia sammai (samvude A) tti bêmi ll 265 11 At the end in some MSS. of the text and in the scholiast there are added some variant verses of the niryuktikara in praise of the work : jê kira bhavasiddhiâ I parittasamsária a je bhavvå I te kira padhanti ed i chhattisa uttarajjhâé il 111 ... XLIY Second malasutram, Avagyakasatram. By Avasya ka, as we have often seen in the case of païnna 1, Nandi and Anuyôgadv., are meant six observances which are obligatory upon the Jain, be he layman or clerical. That the regulations in reference to these observations had an established text as early as the date of N and An., is clear from the fact that they appear in the Nandt as the first group of the anamgapavittha texts (see above p. 11); and in the Anayogadv. the word ajjhayaņachhakkavagga is expressly given as its synonym. See p. 22. We have also seen (51] that the Anuyôgadvarasů tram claims to contain a discussion of the first of these 6 iyaéyakas (the samâiyam), but that this claim is antagonistic to that limitation of the sâmâiam to the gåvajjajogaviratiin which frequently secures the Anay. By this limitation an ethical character is ascribed to the work, the contents of which is, furthermore, at variance with the claim mode by the Anay. The avasya kasatram is a work which deals with all the six avasyakas in the order38 which is followed in the Naadi and Anuyôgadvara, and discusses the sâmâiam actually, not merely nominally as the Anuyog. does. Unfortunately we possess, not the text of the Avasy., but merely the commentary, called sishyahita, of an Haribhadra 39 which is as detailed as that on mulas. * See p. 434 on this arrangement. * At the close he is called a pupil of Jinadatta from the Vidyadharakula, or an adherent of Sit&nbarlchirya Jinabbata: sam&ptá chê 'yan fishyshita nama "vabyakatika, kritib Sitambar Acharya JinabhatanigadAnuskriņó VidyAdharakulatilakacharya Jinadattalikshyasya dharmato jôiņi (Akint!)-mahattarámnånáralpaminar&(P)charya Haribhadrasya. The Ganadharmadrdhabata is here referred to (of. v. 52 fg.) and the great Haribhadra (+ Vira 1055); see pp. 371, 372, 456 fg. In Peterson's Detailed Report (1883) we find oited (pp. 6-9) under No. 12 & vritti of & 4rt-Tilakachkry, scholar of Sivaprabha, composed sahwat 1296.


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