[NOVEMBER, 1892.
The verses which A B have in common, are cited by him here, not as verses of the niryaktiksit, but as a part of the samgrahaņikára. In these chapters we find explanations and enumerations of the contents of sections 6-31 of the pratikramaņasútram. Each group of verses is explained under its proper section. Chapters 14 and 15, however, belong to but one section. The following is treated of: 6 jivanikaa, 7 bhayatthåņa (v. 14), 8 mayathåņa (v. 141), 9 bambhachêragutti (v. 15), the 10-fold samaņadhamma (v 16), 11 uvasagapadima (v. 17), 12 bhikkhu. padima (v. 31), 13 kiriyatthâņa (v. 44), 14 bhûyagama (v. 45), 15 paramâ hammia (vv. 48, 49), 18 gìhásôlasa (vv. 65, 66), the 17-fold samjama (v. 67), the 18-fold abambha (v. 81), 19 nayajjhayaņa (vv. 82, 83), 20 asamâhittaņa (vv. 84—86), 21 sabala (sabala v. 87).77 22 parisaha (v. 100), 23 suttagadajjhayaņa (v. 102), 24 déva (v. 103), 25 bhavana (v. 104), 26 dask-kappavavahârâņn uddesapakala (v. 109), the 27-fold anagaracharitta (v. 110), the 28-fold ayarapakappa (v. 112), 29 pavasutapssanga (v. 115), 30 môhaniyyathana (v. 117) and 31 sidd baiguņa (v.132). We find herein enumerations of the 23 chapters of aiiga 2 (in two groups, one of 16, the other of 7; [73] see above p. 260), of the 19 chapters of the tirst part of anga 6, of the 26 chapters of the three chhedasätras 3-5, and of the 28 chapters of anga 1.
17. jogasamgaha-asayana, Akatana; 64 vv. ; in A counted continuously in conjunction with chapter 16, i.e. as vv. 134-197. In PFB, however, it is divided into two chapters : jógasamgaha of 60, and asîyaņa of 5 (4) vv. It contains the vouchers for and examples (udabaranagatha) of the 32 jogasamgahas (to v. 193) and 33 ásayaņas, 78 a’sâtanas (v. 194-197), which are mentioned in the last two sections of the pratikramaņasútram. The pratikramanasangrahani (propi samapti) ended here according to Haribh. But with the words sampratam sâtrôkta êva trayastrinsad vyakhyâyatê... Haribh. comes back to the explanation of v. 197. These verses contain principally matters of legendary and historical parport, and consist chiefly of proper names and of some catch-words. Haribhadra cites very detailed kathanakas on them composed in Prakrit, from which the meaning of the verses is to be extracted (svabuddhyâ 'vasêyah); but he does not enter apon the explanation of the text of each of the verses, or even of the kathanakas cited by him. It is very interesting that Thalabhadda is here brought into connection with the ninth, Haribh.) Nanda, and with Sagadala and Vararachi (v. 144, cf. the statements in Hêmach.'s paribishtaparvan 8,fg.). The same may be said of the mention of Salavå vâhana in Païtthâņa (v. 164; Vikramaditya is, however, not noticed), and of the identification, in all essentials, of all these and similar [74] Dames7e with the names of king Dummuha of Panchala, of Namî of Vidêha, Naggai of Gamdhara (v. 172), and with the Pandavavamsa (v. 161)! As far as the legends admit of being comprehended (which is no easy matter, if we take into consideration the enigmatical character of the text and the corrupt condition of the MS. of the commentary), they are in only partial agreement with our information in respect to these persons obtained from Brahminical sources. The information they convey, is quite independent of any other source, and is probably the result of their arbitrary desire for change. It is of interest that the gâthâ (v. 188), cited pp. 158, 159, which is quite in keeping with the character of the verses of Hala, is here inserted in the legend of two prostitutes (Magahasundari and Magahasiri).
18. asajjhaiyanijjutti, asvadhyayika', 111 (PM, 110 B) vv. Beging80 : asajjbàianijjuttim buchchhami dhîrapurisapannattam | jam nâûņa suvihiâ pavay anasaram uvalabhamti 11 11 888jjhậiam tu duviham ayasamuttham cha parasamuttham cha 1 jam tattha parasamuttham tam pam
11 On vv. 87-96 we read here : Ssari vyakhya .., ayam cha samAsArthaḥ, vyAs&rchas tu dakikhyad gran. thåtarad avasi ya êvam (dva), asammohárthari dafinnsårêņa sabalasvardpam abhihitam, sangrahaņikáras tu evam Aha: varisan (v. 97). The fourth chhedastram (or its second book, see p. 468) is meant by the dasAkhya grantha mentioned here.
78 Explained by fyah (.) samyagdarsanadyavAptilakshaņas, tasya s&tanah khandana Asatanas . . ; if the word was åyasiyaņa (or ky do P).
19 As for example Vijas in Bhargachha v. 189, Mudirbaga, Ajja Pussabhai, Pasamitta in Sambavaddhapa v. 190.
Verse 1 is omitted by Haribh.