[OCTOBER, 1892.
Führer in January 1889, a large number of very invalid, but Bhinli Dih occupies approximately interesting Jaina relics have been unearthed, the position indicated by the Chinese travellers, namely:--a four-faced lion-capital of the Indo- and I do not see why it should not yet be proved Scythian period; a massive door-jamb, the to be Kapilavastu. But it must be admitted that three faces of which are divided into panels of satisfactory proof has not yet been given. equal size, containing scenes of domestic lifo
Page 229.-By an odd blunder Kumaragupta represented under temple façades of the Nasik
Mahendra is described as the son of Skandagupta. cave pattern; several beautifully wrought panels, bearing inscriptions in the Maurya alphabet;
Page 271.-" It is interesting to note that in twelve large statues of Digambara Tirthan
1876 several rectangular Chinese silver coins karas, bearing inscriptions dated in the regnal
were found close to the river Ganges in a dih at years of the Indo-Scythian kings Kanishka 'Alau'ddinpur, about six miles west of BảnHuvishka, and Vasudeva; and two colossal statues garmád," in the Unâo District of Oudh. of Padmaprabhanåtha, dated Samvat 1036, or Page 274.—The ancient village of Sanchankot A. D. 978. and Sarhvat 1134, or A.D. 1088, being or Sujankot, on the right bank of the river donative gifts of the Svêtåmbara community of Saf in the Unko District, is identified by Dr. Mathura.
Führer with the Sha-chi of Fa-Hian. Sir A. Probably, on this mound stood the Upagupta Cunningham held that both the Sha-chi of Famonastery mentioned by Hiuen Tsiang, which Hian and the Visakhi of Hiuen Tsiang are reGeneral Cunningham identifies with the Yasa presented by the existing town of Ayudhya, or Vihara inside the Katra. The railway from Ajodhya, and that both are identical with Mathura to Brind&ban has been cut through the
Så kêtam. Dr. Führer holds that Ayudhya = lower terrace of the Katrê in January 1889, and Sakêtam = Viśåkhå, but that Sañchankot = during the excavations several Buddhist sculp- Sha-chi. tures have been discovered, as well as a mutilated
Pages 306-313.-The account given in these inscription of the Maukhari king Mahaditya,
pages of Sahét-Mahët in the Gónda District, and a beautifully written slab, dated Samvat
the site of the famous city of Bråvasti, is the 1207, but partly damaged in the middle.
best yet published. But, remarks Dr. Führer, These inscriptions have been edited by Dr. "notwithstanding the excavations made by Bühler for the Epigraphia Indica.
General Cunningham in 1862 and 1876, and by
Dr. Hoey, C.S., in 1885, as yet very little is Page 138.-Concerning Jhdai, in the Allahabad
known of the ruins covered with dense jungle District, the ancient Pratishthanapura, the
inside the old city, which must contain relics residence of PurQravas, the first prince of the lunar
which would do much to elucidate some of the dynasty, the compiler remarks: "The only re
most interesting periods of Indian history. There mains now existing are the ruined forts of
can be no doult whatever that a thorough and Samudragupta and Hamsagupta. Fifteen
properly conducted excavation would be of great years ago twenty-four gold coins of Kum&ragupta were unearthed here." Does this mean that the
success, and yield many Buddhist and Jain relics; names of Samudragupta and Hamsagupta are
but it ought to be gone about in a scientific
method." still remembered by the people P If so, the fact is curious. Who was Hamsagupta
Page 321.-Dr. Führer shows good reasons for Page 222.-Dr. Fährer here recapitulates the
believing that the well-known fort at Dalman arguments already published in his Jaunpur
on the Ganges, the most picturesque object in
Oudh, was not originally a fort at all, but volume, which convince him that Bhinla Dih in the Basti District cannot be Kapilavastu,
consists really of two Buddhist stúpas." the birth-place of Buddha, as Mr. Carlleyle and
Page 323.-The O'-yu-t'o of Hiuen Tsiang Sir A. Cunningham confidently believed it to has been identified with so many old sites in be. Dr. Führer successfully attacks some of | Oudh, that I hope Dr. Fuhrer 18 correct in Mr. Carlleyle's fancies, but I do not think that asserting that on topographical grounds and from his criticisms justify the conclusion that it is a calculation of distances it may sately "evident that Bhinli Dih ig not the ancient site identified with Jagatpur in the Rai Baroli of Kapilavastu," Some of Mr. Carlleyle's reasons District. for supposing it to be that site are undoubtedly 19th April 1892.
3 There seems to be some mistake here : 1036-97856, and 1134-1088 = 45. The paragon in the text are quoted as amended by the list of Corrigenda.
* The author writes "jangal,' but in this I decline to follow him. Nor can I consent to call my familiar friend, the coolie, by the outlandish name of 'qull.'