AUGUST, 1892.)
No. 46 (liv. 28 ; Hoernle's No. 11). 1 Bhagavato Sakamunino 2 bodho. The b8dha (tree) of the blessed Bakyamuni.
No. 47 (liv. 29; Hoernle's No. 12 a). 1 Parathima (didas Sudhd2 vånå de[va]t[aj. In the eastern direction, the deities (called) the Buddhdvdsas.
No. 48 (liv. 30; Hoernle's No. 12 b). 1 Utaram disa (tini sa). 2 vatani sisåfni]. In the northern direction, [three covered) heads (P).
No. 49 (liv. 31; Hoernle's No. 13). 1 Dakhinani disa chha KA2 måvachara-sahasâni. In the southern direction, six thousand Kanávacharas.
No. 80 (liv. 32; Hoernle's No. 14). 1. Sådika-8ammadam 2. turam devanam. The musiost of the gods, which gladden987 by (i. e. which is accompanied with) acting.98
No. 51 (liv. 33; Hoernle's No. 15 a). Misakosi39 Achhara. The Apsaras Misrakebi.
No. 52 (liv. 34 ; Hoerple's No. 15 d). Sabhad [A] Achhar[A]. The Apsaras Subhadra.
No. 33 (liv. 35; Hoernle's No. 15 c). 1 PadumÂvati 2 Achharå. The Apsanas Padmavati.
No. 54 (liv. 86; Hoernle's No. 15 b). 1 Alam 2 busâ Achhara. The Apsaras Alambusha,
No. 55 (liv. 37; Hoernle's No. 18). Ka[m]dariki. Kandariki,
No. 66 (liv, 38; Hoernle's No. 21). 1 Vijapi 2 Vijadharo. The Vidyadhara Vijayin.co
Ms Outdra for tdrya, see omachandra, ii. 63, and Dr. Pischel's note tbereon. 17 With sahmada compare samadaka in No. 11. * According to Böhtlingk and Roth, 1, v., Bharata explains sdtaka by nataka-beda. » Read Misakesi.
46 Vijapi might be derived from Vijayin by the double change of y to v and of v to p. Regarding the first obange, see Dr. Kuhn's Pals-Grammatik, p. 42 . and Arch. Survey of w. India, Vol. IV. P. 99, note 1, where BhadAvansya (p. 109, text line 10) might be added. Instances of the second change (Kuhn, 1.c. p. 45) are Erapata for Airavata (Nos. 59 and 60), Kupima for Kuvera (No, 92), bha Ges. Vol. XXXVII. p. 687, No. 88) and pardpata for pardvata (Jataka No. 42).