MARCH, 1892.)
Dates of accession.
Dates of accession.
Serial number.
Number in MS.
Serial number.
Number in MS.
Saravat. A.D.
Samvat. A. D.
69 Padmakirtti... 1248 1191 PrvAl by caste. 88 85 Dharmachan. 1581 (1524 Gangaval by As. S. 121
$. V.5
caste. (So albo Vardhamina... 1253 1196 Vadhnor b yl 89 86 Lalitakirtti ... 1603 1546 Godha hy castc.
He pontifice- As. S. 131 onste.
C'h. 8. 9 1
ted in Chitor. Akalanka ...... 1256 1199 Pirvil by caste.
(So also D). 90 87 Chandrakirtti. 1922 1565 Gaudhi by caste. As. S. 14 Lalitakirtti ... 1257 1200 Lavêchů by oaste...
V. S. 11 K. S. 15
91 88 Devendrakirtti 1662 1005 Seth by caste. Kesavachandra
He pontifica. 1261
Ph.U.11 1204 Castep
tedin Singaper. Mr. V.5
92 89 Narendraktrtti 1601 1634 Sogani by caste. 73 Ch&rukirtti... 1262 1205 Pancham Sravak
(So also D.)
K. V. 11
(99) J. S. 11
by coste. 74 Abhayakirtti.. 1264 1207 Ath Sakh Per-03
00 Surendrakirtti 1712 1655 KAIA by caste.
(Su also D.) (90)
S. $.9 vil by caste. A. V. 3
(100) 75 Vasantakirtti 1264 1207 SAh Rayad by 94
91 Jagatkirtti ... 1733 1076 Sokhů RAYA by
8. 8.7
Caste. (D has caste. All those M. S. 5
Sikhûri Yogi.) 15 pontiffs rello sided in GvAler. 16 || 95 92 Devendrakirtti 1770 1713 Volvå by casto.
(Dhas GodhA.) M. V.11
These four pon 76 Visalakirtti... 1266 1209 Pancham Gravak
tiff resided in (92)
As. S. I by onste.
Avairi. 77 Subhakirtti ... 1268 1211 SAh Vad byl 93 Nalendrnkirtti 1702 1735 Panaivn! (So (93)
K. V. 11 caste.
P. S. 10
alur D.) He 78 Dharmachan.
pontificated in 1271 1214 Sethi by caste.
D11 (Delhi.) dra. S. S. 15
0794 Khêmêndra. 1913 1758 Pitant by ca-te. 79 Rntnakirtti... 1296 1239 NAgad RahA byll (105)
kirtti. As, S. 11
(So also D.) He
pontificated in (941)
Å. S. 13 caste,
Jaspur. 80 Prabhachandra! 1310 1253 Padmavnti Por-las
98 95 Surendrakertti 1999 os
1705 Pchly by P. V. 10. All
v o !
V.V.P theso
. (So so il
D. In Jaiptir. pontiff: rosid 09 98 Surondrakertti 1952 1795 Anion Sven by od iu Ajinor.
Mr. V.9
| easte. hay 81 Padmananda... 1385
Anoplivni 1328 Caste?
kapiat väri.) P. S. 9
i He pontifira.
Ited in Jaipur 82 Sabhachandrn 1450 1393 Agurvala by 10197 Narindra.
... (D has Nain (95)
kintti, ka
by came) 83 Jinachandra... 1507 1440 Agaryl b yl 102 98 Downdrakirtti
J. V. 5 D.)
99 Sriratna Ma. 84 Prabbâchandra 1871 1514 Vaidyn G trn byli
hendrakirtti. Ph. V.2
caute. (So also D.)
väl by
M. S.
98 Downdrakirtti
enste. (So nlso 102
POSTSCRIPT. Since writing the foregoing paper, I have procured the Deccan College Manuscript of the Vikrama Prabanding. On examination I find it to be an altogether different work from the one referred to in the pattavalis. The latter was in Prakṣit verse, while the Vikram Prabandha of the Deccan College Library is in Sanskrit verse, and contains a few folk tales connected with Vikrama: in fact, it is identical with the Panchalanda-chhattra Pralandha, published by Prof. A. Weber in 1877.