April, 1892.]
(b). - Terminations.
sy is changed to h: thatha, Dh. det. 1, 17; det. Present. The only trace of the medial
II, 9 (Jang. ésatha) ; udhuriti, D., IV, 18; ho. termination occurs in Dh., X, 13, if the reading
hasti, VII-VIII, 4, 5, 6. It only remains
to mention the forms hósámi, det. II. 8: marinate is really certain; even in the passive
hosati, det. I, 22, at D.; hisanti (by the side we have alabhiyanti, &c., Kh., I, 3. - I note at
of hihamli), at D., VII-VIII, 2; hösati at S. and R, the form stmi of the 1st person of as.
Bh., 4. - It is a question if at Dh., det. I, 23, 26, the forins laluti, kalaviti (cf. kalámi, VI, 29) do not Absoluutive. - Kh.in tu: dasayitu, IV, 10, &c. : represent the subjunctive.
in ya in sashkhayé, XIV, 21; - Dh. in tu: unu. Imperative. - No medial terminations. The
súsitu, det. II, 6, 8; chithitu, IV, 17; kag, det. second person plural ends in ta in lekhata,
II, 7, &c.; - D. in tu: nisijitu, IV, 10; sulu,
VII-VIII, 21; in ya in apahatú=apahritya (?), Dh., det. I, 7 (Jang. dékhatha), 14 ; iu tha in
VI, 3; -- Bh.: in ya in udhiyichya = allikri. chaghatha, Dh, det. I, 19; det. II, 11; in paliyovuiátha, D., VII-VIII, 1; likhúpayatha,
tya, E. S., 7, 8.
Infinitive. - Dh.: kládhayitavé, IX, 12; stut
paripadayitave, det. 1, 19; det. II, 11, - D.: Potential. - 1st pers. sing. in éhan, at Kh.,
üládhayitaré, IV, 10; pilihaļavé, IV, 11; pati. Dh., D., éyari, at Bh. (diséy usi, 3). - 3rd pers.
chalitavé, IV, 8; samádapayitaré, I, 8. sing., Kh.: palipajéyú, XIV, 20; siya, passim, perhaps siyáti (), X, 28. Dh.: pufipajéya, Participles. - Participle present. - Kh. XIV, 19; ugachh(€), det. I, 13 (Jaug. uthi(hé), The medial form in allamánası, VI, 17 and uthúyé according to Dr. Bühler); huvéya, X, 15; vijinamané, XIII, 36; kalauté, XII. 33. - Dh. siya, passim. D.: anupalipajéyú, VII-VIII, 17, The medial form in sipati pajaminé, det. I, vadhéyá, VII-VIII, 3, 16, 18; pápôvú, VII, 16; vipatipádayaminéhi, det. I, 15 (at J.: vipa3; siya, VII-VIII, 11 ; siya, IV, 15. R. : siya, tipátayaritan), al., in which Onio in the place 3. - 1st pers. plur, in éma. Kh., Dh. - 3rd of ondo is curious; but cf. páyamino, D., V, 8. pers. plur., Kh.: havéyu, XII, 34; sususéyu, - D. has the medial form in anurekhumaine, XII, 33; vasévu, VII, 21. Jaugada, except in VII-VIII, 2, in the passive of the causal priya. niklamácu, III, 11, and perhaps va(8)&(v)u VII, mini, V, 8.- Bh. Participle present passive 1, which is mutilated, forms on the contrary of the causal : ubliculémánon. – S. The everywhere the 3rd pers. plur. in éyu : yuréyi- medial form in pulakamíména, 3.-R: paka(ti), det. I, 3; det. II, 4, 14; héy (ti), det. I, mamánená. These two last forms appear to be 6; det. II, 6; pápuneyu, det. II, 5, 9; asvaséyu, incorrect. det. II, 6; lahéyu, det. II, 6. Dh.: in évu : | Participle past passive. - I note the forms áladha yévústi), det. II, 6; vusévu, VII, 1, una payita, Kh. VI, 19; Dh., III, 9; wijhapayitó, &c. ; III, 10, nikhamavú. D.: in écu : unuga- D., IV, 18; sukhayité, VII-VIII, 3. Auusathé, hinevu. IV, 6, &c., Bh. : upadhálay@yu, 7; | Dh.. VI. 31. J.. VI. 4. seems. As remarked sunéyu, 7.
Dr. Bühler, to be a wrong formation for unde Past. The perfect remains unchanged in sithé. cha (Kh. always áhá, except III, 6; Dh, always Participle future passive. - Kh. in tavrya ; áhú ; D. 3 times ahu; Bh. aha). The imper- in iya in supalálayé (?), V, 14. - Dh. in laciya fect bas survived in the 3rd pers. plur. luvani, in ichhitariyé, det. I, 9, 11; pajj(kitaviyd), L. Dh., VIII, 3. - Aorist, 3rd pers. sing., nikha- | 1; in iya in dakhiyé, det. I, 13; vadhiyé, V, 23; mitha, Kh., VIII, 22; nikhami; Dh., VIII, 4; supadálayé (?), V, 22.-Din taviya : ich hi
À, D., VII-VIII, 15, 20; vadhithú, VII- taviyé, IV, 14; hartaviyáni, V, 15; in iya in VIII, 14, 17. 3rd pers. plur. in isu (Kh., Dh., délchiye, III, 19; dusapaļipádayê, I, 3. — R. D.), except husu, Kh. VIII, 22; husu, D., in taviya : vivasélaviyé, 5.-B. in taya, if we are VII-VIII, 12.
to judge from áladhétaye, 6; but the reading Future. - No 1st pers. in ani. Forms, such may well be incorrect. as kachhami, have been previously quoted. It The short inscriptions of Barabar, of Kanis the same with fatures in which the formative simbi, and of Allabábåd (Queen's Edict)