[JUNE, 1892.
[451] There is other testimony of an external character which makes for the antiquity of the chhedasutras. The first of these is, as is well known, closely connected with anga 1, and is, in fact, called a part of the latter (p. 254). Chhêdasútras 2, 4 bear the stamp of antiquity because they resemble angas 1-4 as regards the introduction, and because chndas. 2-5 resemble the same angas as regards the conclusion.72 The ancient date of chhêdas. 4 is eo ipso attested by the thoroughgoing mention of it and its ten sections in anga 3, 10.
The testimony is not so favourable in the case of. chhêdastra 2. It must be ascribed to a somewhat later date from the fact that it contains a polemic against the ninhaga, a mention of the dasapuvvin etc. See below. We have exact chronological data for the Kalpasūtram, inserted in chhêdas. 4. See p. 472.
It is remarkable that there are old oommentaries called bhashya and charni,73 composed in Prakṣit, the first kind of texts written in gåthûs, the second in prose, on three of our texts : -- nisiha, vavahara, kappe. The Nom. Sgl. M. of the 1. Decl. ends invariably in o and not in e; and extensive use is made of the insertion of an inorganic m. The Prakpit shows many traces of a later age, e. g., we find the thematic instead of the declined form. Further. more, the fact that these bhâshyas (452] are, for the most part, composed in gåthis, whereas the verses in the chhồdasůtras are mostly slokas, deserves our attention.
The extent of each of the texts is as follows: -1, nistham 812 (or 818) grahthas, – 2. mahậnisiham 4504 gr., - 3. vavahüra 500 gr., - 4. daśabrutaskamdham 800 gr., exclusive of the kalpasútra, that contains 1254 gr., - 5. brihatkalpa 475 gr., -6, pamchakalpa (is wanting).
xxxv. First ohhedasátram, the nisihajjhayanam. This name is explained, strangely enough, by niśftha, though the character of the contents would lead us to expect nishedha. In the scholiast on Uttarajjh. 26 , nisihiyê is paraphrased by naishedhiki; and so in the scholiast on Dasa vêalia 5, % : asamamjasanishedhûn naishedhiki; in the spholiast on Avaby. 7, 1, and on Anayôgadv. introduction (21 in 4) where Remachandra explains it by savapari. sthapanabhumih. The statements in the text in Ayaấy. 7, 88 fg. are decisive: - jamhà tatths nisiddhð têņam nisihia hồi ll 33 11 .. jó hôi nisiddhappå nisihia tassa bhAvað hồi 1 avisuddhassa nisihia kévalamittam bayas saddo Il 19 Il; in 10, 40, 41 we read baddham abaddham ta suam, baddha to duválasamganiddiţtham | tavvivariam abaddhan, nisiham anis iha baddham tu | 40 | bhu& parinayavigaé saddakaraṇam tahøva anisihan pachohhannam tu nisihan nisiha naman jahajjhayana Il a 11 Scholiast here74): iha baddhasrutan nishidham anishidham anishedham sha, tatra rahasya[453]pâthad rahasypadêáâch cha ppachhannar nisbidham uchyate, prakAsapàphêt prakásopadébâch châ 'nishidham, ... nishidham guptârtham uchyatê. From this we may indubitably76 conclude that the explanation by nisitha78 is simply an error, and is to be classed in the same category as the explanation of yvavdiyam by supapâtikam and of råyapasēņaiyyam by râjapraśniyam.
Whether we are to understand our text under the nisthajjhayo mentioned in anga 4 (see p. 280) as part of the first anga or under the nisiha naman ajjhayaņam in À vašy. 10, 41, is a matter of doubt, since its title is perhaps not passive Epachhannam (s. below), gaptartham, but active in sense. Nevertheless the statements, which (see p. 254 ff.) are found in anga 1 in relation to its fifth chalâ called nisiha (cf. also nisihiya as the name of ajjh. 2 of the second chalâ, ibid.), and in the introduction of the nišithachårņi in reference to the identity of the chhêdasůtra with
79 It must, however, be noticed that (p. 448) in Syi. and y. the chheda texts are treated of between anga 4 and anga 5.
18 See Jacobi Kalpas. pp. 16, 25.
** padyagadyabandhand baddham, såetropadesavad; dvad. Ach&r&digaạipitakam .. lokottaran; abaddham laukikar.
76 In the enumeration of the 10 sAmky&rl (angas 3, 10, 5, 7, attarajjh. 26, Åvaly, 7) the avessayé, commandments, are always found together with the nisthiya, prohibitions (Leumann).
76 Intermediate forms are nishidha - see just above - And nishitha in the scholiast onanga 1.