[APRIL, 1892
Kakatiya king Ganapatiof Orugallu (Worangal) According to an inscription of the Dharmes which is found in the Ekam ranatha temple at vara temple at Manimangalam in the Chingloput Kanchipura, and which I shall shortly publish in district, Kanda-Gopala bore the surname this Journal, is dated on Tuesday, the 11th tithi Madhurantaka-Pottappi-Chola. A comparison of the dark fortnight of Jyaishtha of Saka of the dates of Nos. I. and 11. shews that 1172, the eyelie year Saumya, which corresponds his accession must have taken place between to Tuesday, the 8th June 1249 A. D. According the months of Mithuna and Simha in the Saka to a Telugu chronicle (Taylor's Catalogue, Vol. year 1172. The units of the two dates of No. 111. p. 483) and an inscription of his successor III. are not absolutely curtain. If the published (Sewell's Lists of Antiquities, Vol. I. Appendix, reading is correct, thedetails would be identical Pxx), king Ganapati died in Saka 1180. Vira- with those of No. II; with the exception of the Kanda-Gopala is very probably identical with nakshatra. In this case either Uttiradlam or Kanda-Gopaladeva, whose date is established by Uttirattâdi might be a mistake for the other. three other Kanchi inscriptions, the beginnings The manner in which the year of the accession of which are subjoined :
of Sundara-Pandya might be fixed on the basis No. I.
of these new data, will be as follows:--The upper On the south wall of the 80-called "rock"
limit for the date of the inseription of Sundara(malai) in the Arukila-Perumal temple.
Pandya is Saka 1172, as the fight between him
and Karda-Gópâla might have taken place in his Svasti sri Sakara-yûndu 1187 perra Tiribuvaga
10th year, in which his inscription is dated, and chchakkarava[r]ttiga! śri-vijaya-Kapda-Gopaladêvarkku yêudu lõvadu Midusa-nayarru apara
also in Saka 1172, the year of the accession of
Kanda-Gopala. The lower limit is Saka 1190, as pakshattu truyódasiyum Sani-kkilamaiyum perra
tbe fight between him and Ganapati might have Rosari-nal.
taken place in his first year, and also in Saka 1180, Hail! Prosperity! In the 15th year (of the reign) the year of the death of Ganpati. The details of of the emperor of the three worlds, the glorious the date of the inscription must accordingly be und victorious Kanda-Gopaladeva, which corre
applied to each of the Saka yenrs 1172 to 1190, sponded to the Saka year 1187, - on the day of and the year of the accession of Sundara-Pandya (the nakshatra) Rohini, which corresponded to will fall between Saka 1162 and 1180. Saturday, the thirteenth tithi of the second fort
The Sundara-Pandya of the Jambukeśvara in. night of the month of Mithuna.
scription may, accordingly, be identical with No. II.
Mareo Polo's "Sender Bandi," who was reigning On the north wall of the second prakdra of the in A. D. 1292, and with that "Sundar Bandi," Ekumranditha temple.
who, according to the Muhammadan historians, Svasti sri Sakara-yandu 1187 perra Tiribuva.
died in A. D. 1293 (Dr. Caldwell's Comparative nachchakkarava[r]ttiga! sri-visaiya-Kanda. Grommar, Introduction, p. 141; History of Gopaladóvar[k*]ku yîndu 1[6]vadu Simha- Tinnevelly, p. 33). The "Pandya king Sundara," nayarru apara-pakshattu tritiyaiyum Sani-kkila.
who is mentioned in a Sinhalese obronical (J. maiyum perra Uttiradattu-nâļ.
As Soc. Bengal, Vol. XLI. Part I. p. 200) as a Hail! Prosperity! In the 1[6]th year of etc.,
contemporary of Parakramabahu of Ceylon (1153
to 1186 A. D.), does not appear to have been a which corresponded to the Saka year 1187,- on the day of the nakshatra) Uttarashadha, which
reigning king, but a mere prince and general of a
Pandya king Kulasók hara, whose predecessor was corresponded to Saturday, the third lithi of the
a Para krama-Pandya, and whose snecessor was a second fortnight of the month of Simha.
Vira-Pandya. That there was at least one still No. III.
earlier Sundara, may be gathered from the inOn the same wall as No. I.
scriptions of Rajendra-Chola, who boasts to have Svasti sri Sakara-yảndu 118[7] perra Tiri. conquered the crown of Sundara" (South-Indian buvapasakkara varttiga! sri-visaiya-Kaņda- Inscriptions, Vol. I. p. 99; Vol. II. p. 108. Gopaladêvarkku yâ u*]du [6vadu) Simha
E. HULTZSCH. nayarru apara-pakshattu tritiyaiyum Sani-kkila
After the above note was in type, I received a muiyun perra Uttirattadi-na.
letter from Mr. S. B. Dikshit, dated Dhulia, 11th Hail! Prosperity! In the 16th] year of etc., March, in which he states that Saka 1182 expired which corresponded to the Saka year 118[7],- is the only year that answers for the details of on the day of the nakshatru) Uttara-Bhadrupada, the inscription of Sundara-Pandya. which corresponded to Saturday, the third tithi
E. H. of the second fortnight of the month of Simba. Nundidroog, 16th March 1892.