muktds ; f. 3al chanunayishyasi for chanunayishyasi; fl. 3a1 *vrittischa for vritt&s=cha; fl. 3a1 # na for na; f. 3a6 sarvvaritha for saruvatha ; A. 3a6 • saméshyasi for saméshyati; A. 3a7 sahayes for sahayais; A. 4a2 karané for kúpané (here shown by the metre); A. 4aya for yd; A. 5b4 dharmma for dharmmarh; A. 5b+ vandhás-cha for vandhánh=g=cha. Those cases, however, which are marked with an asterisk, may also be due to the anomalous character of the language.
Occasionally the scribe noticed a mistake and corrected it by interlinear insertions in minute and hastily drawn letters. Thus in fl, 3a4 na sanhiayá, Al. 4a3 api, f. 4a6 si cha, f. 593 bha are added interlinearly. Ordinary corrections, by alterations of already written letters occur; e.g., in in f. 27, 5b3 and elsewhere.
The language of the manuscript in the early extra-scholastic Sanskrit of NorthWestern India with all its usual anomalies in orthography, grammar, prosody and vocabulary. Of these I have noted the following instances :
1. In Orthography: spelling: Al. 1b5 singha for sinha, A. 2a6 avi for api, fl. ta3, 5al, &c. dukkha for duhkha: confusion of sibilants; f. 24 samánvitá for samánvita. Doubling of consonants : before r: throughout with t; e. g., f. 1b6 sattravas, f. 2a6 yattra, &c.: before y: gáttyakárana (for yáti-akáraņai): before v; fl. 5al addhvánari. Sandhi; : fl. 2b2 dvitiyo kubah for dvitiyah kútah, fl. 4al grihaiva for griha éva (grihé éva), t1, 225 tatottamuh for tata utlamah (tatah uttamah), fi. 5b2 suhrideva for suhridaiva (suhridá éva). Omission of final consonants : 3hi kinchi for kiñchit, 153, 2a3, 2b+ káraná for kúranát (abl. sing.). Omission of visarga : before *: A. 3a7 sumittrai saha for sumittrail, A. 3a7 dévatai sprihá for devutaih ; f. 2a2 nishphala so or nishphalah; before p: fl. 168 prasaká and yuktá patantu. Neglect of sandhi : fl. 216 dpisyaté agamo, A. 2b3 vijeshy asi ripúsi, f. 3a8 arthah aniruvédai.
2. In Grammar: declension: nom. sing. : f. 161 namê achary@bhyah: often visarga omitteil. in pausa; fl. 2a6 uttama, 2b1 príti, A. 2b1 atiparikshaya, Al. 524 sandéha, f. 5a3 lábha, f. 569 samupasthita : nom, neat. ; l. 362 janman, A. 4a2 karmai: acc. sing.; A. 362 pratyarthin (for pratyarthinaw): acc. plur. masc. ; (as a rule ending in án, etc.) f. 2a4 bhögári, fl. 2b3, 5a2 tipuri sarrviii, fl. 5a6 bhôgári vipulárn, f. 5b2 kámán, fl. 5b4 yajñan, but regular in fl. 5b4 vividhán : instr, sing. fem.; f. 162 shashthiyé (for shash hyal): gen. plur. ; f. 1b3 sarovavádinán (for 'valinúm): loc. plur.; A. 164 rishishu (for rishishu). Conjugation : imp. for pres.; fl. 4a1 bishtha (tor tishịhasi): atm. for parasm.; A. 2a, 3b6, 4a3 prápsyasé (bat A. 35 also prápsyasi), fl. 2a3. 3al, 3b5 chintayasé : parasm. for atm.; A. 247 pratiksha (for pratikshasva). Syntax : exchange of cases: nom. for acc.; A. 2a6 prápsasé (for prápsyasé) n-ayam uttama (for na imam uttamam), H. 3a6 só 'rthah prapsy asé (for tam arthan), f. 4a6 lanbhas-tu lapsyasi, f. 2a6 arthasacha grihya : nom, for instr. ; f. 3b4 visrijyas-tvar (for tvaya), fl. 386 sa samé shyasi (for téna: but see above): nom, for gen.; A. 3a1 vrittis=cha kshayah (for vritt&s=cha: but see above); acc. for gen.: fl. 2al janir=upadravar (for upadravasya): gen. for dat.; A. 1b2 marutánári namah: loo. for dat.. A. 2a4 labhasé (for labhasáya). False ooncord : neat, and fem. ; fl. 1b* vritis=satyam (for satyá); A. 3a7 viruddhai spriha (for viruddha): masc. and neat.; A. 1b6 níchôchchan bhayah (for nichochhô), A. 3a8 upasthitasi visishļas-te (for visishtarn): perhaps sing. and plur.; A. 2a5 mahán=arthá (for artho), f. 268 muktas=tkilvishd (for muktas).
3. In Prosody: occasionally the fourth påda has one syllable in excess; see A. 261, 4a), 4a6, 5a6. 4. In Vocabulary: new words or new meanings :
karitra 'tools' (?), A. 2a6. chárnga clever,' A. 2b3 (for changa, perhaps false reading). déva 'god,' A, 2al (for daiva). dévata deity,' A. 164, 3a7 (for daivata). putratvatásonship', 4. 2a7 (with double abstract sufix).