Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 21
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 96
________________ 88 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [MARCH, 1892. plur.), dét. I, 18; karimala(last), VI, 32, as three sibilants of Sanskrit. I have already against kamatalá, at Jaug. ; lili, X, 13 (!ist); dealt with this question in the Introduction ; soilidhi (lirik), VIII, 4; polatini; (old, a); and I shall return to it later on. I can, VI, 23; stuciyani (Jaug. yi), det. I, 17; therefore, neglect its consideration here I vataviyair (y), det. 1. 2; yü (yeni), IV, 17. - may remind my readers that in transliteraSaritani (11. s. m.), VI, 30, and ruyé ( vayani), tion I represent the sign M by $. - The det. II, 8, appear to imply the equivalence of second point concerns the use, at Khalsi, of a can and é. - # fer a in le'si aintána, det. II, character t which I, at first, considered as a 10. - The nasal is written double in cinálnit simple graphic variant of +. The same sign bhé, III, 11; samyú, IX, 8; 8ulshii, det. is employed twice (rudili, adhakrisiúnt) at D. II, 5. I pass over this difficulty here, and content DEHLI. - Anwalipalitini), VII VIII, 3; myself, in order to retain consistency in tran-visati, V, 1, 20; samlari tom. plur.) IV, 13; scription, with rendering the sign in question tinni = trin), IV, 16: V, 12; ya iyani (= by l, as I lave hitherto done. yari idurit), VII-VIII. 7; - kimwi, VI, 5, (= kimu). Simple Consonants. SAHASARÎN. - Am-risur, 2 ; misan, 3(= s(); Changes.-KHÂLSI. - k into g in uriliyinga, chani, 5 (= cá). II, 5; XIII, 4, 5. g into k in maká, XII, 5; arité kina, ibid. (b). - Consonants. gh into h in lahká, XI, 32, al. Two peculiarities are common to all the ch into che in kichhi, passim. versions, which we are now comparing. In the first place they know neither the cerebral i into d in palitidit, X, 28. ??, nor the palatal n. They replace hoth by the the i t into ! in Thadaka, XIII, 37, alias; kaļa, dental ». There is only one solitary excep- passim ; malé, XIII, 39 (by the side of malé): tion : Dh. det. II, 6, would seem to have, palis, passin; usalén, X, 28, 29; viyepata, according to General Cunningham's facsimile, passin; rithaļeni, XIV. 18; - into il in dosé. pațiina. I should be much surpriseil to find | VI, 19; hidlasukhayé = kitasu", V, 13. this reading authenticated; already, in Prin- into din hediset, VIII, 22; IX, 25 (by the sep's time, the facsimile published by him side of Glisa); duvadasa, III, 7; IV, 13; - shewed that, at this place, the stone is damaged into t in talópayá, VIII, 13 (?); - into y in and the reading uncertain. I am strongly iyan (in the neuter, for ilan), passim. tempted to believe that the real reading is dh into 1 (?) in hida, passim. paimnú, as at Jaugada. As to ? Dr. Büller 1 th into h in heti, etc., passim. states two exceptional occurrences of it, one in khanasi, Dh. det. JI, 10, the other in sarena, y into ; in majului, 1. 4;- into v: vasévu, J. det. II, 3. - In the second place, they have VII, 21 (ordinarily the terruination is eyu): - no r, replacing it regularly (when standing inte h eut. VI. 20. alone) by 1 I notice only two exceptions, - at into h in het chri, IX, 26. Ruppåth, where, by the side of ahålé, 6, we Dualt. - I changes into kh in akhakhasé, read chhavachharé, 1, and chira! Milika, 4. det. I, 22. Samavariya at KL. XIII, 2, is probably a false into gh in chayhati, II, 11, al., if it is reading. really equivalent to jagri, which is extremely Khálsi presents a two-fold peculiarity: the doubtful. first is the use, for the sibilant, of three signs ch into ; in ajulá, det. II, 7, (Jaug. has differing in unequal degrees : M , and dof achala); - into chh in kichki, passim. which the first is also employed on one occa! jinto ch in chaghati, loco cit.; karibocha, sion at Bairat (svunngikiye). It appears to me V. 23. to be certain that these signs are all, among I t into ch in chithitu, IV, 17; - into ! in themselves, absolute equivalents, and that they paļi, passim ; kala, passim ; viyápad, det. I, do not represent, as has been maintained, the 15, al.; usaléna, X, 16.


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