FEBRUARY, 1892.)
satisfactory result. In Saka 1532 expired, the seventh tithi of the bright half of Phålguna ended about 18 h. after mean sunrise of Saturday, the 9th February, A.D. 1611, which also does not suit the requirements of the case. On the other hand, in the dark half of the amdnta Phálguna of Saka 1532 expired - the 6th tithi ended 1 h. 38 m. before mean sunrise of Saturday, 23 February, A.D. 1611; the 7th tithi ended 0 h. 17 m. before mean sunrise of Sunday, 24 February, A. D. 1611; and the 8th tithi ended 1 h. 25 m. after mean sunrise of Monday, 25 February, A.D. 1611.
It is true that by this result no tithi would have ended on the Sunday, and that the Sunday would have been put down in the calendar, like the Monday, as the 8th. But the tithis have here been calculated according to Ujjain time, and consider ing that the date undoubtedly was written far to the east of Ujjain, the seventh tithi would for the writer of the date really have ended some time after sunrise of the Sunday;" and Sunday, the 24th February A.D. 1611, therefore is the proper equivalent of the date,-deduced from the epoch of the Lakshmanasena era A.D. 1118-19. • 7. - A date of the Ashadhadi Vikrama year 1574, which does not admit of verification, is given in Professor Macdonell's edition of Katyayana's Sarvdnukramant, preface, p. xiii. And another Ashadhadi date, according to Professor Eggel. ing's Catalogue; p. 409, occurs in a MS. of part of HêmAdri's Chaturvarga-chintamani, written in Western India, and is worded thus :
Sarvat 15 Åshadhadi 81 varshê 5 Srivaņa. sudi panchami aparan shashthi Budhe.
As might have been expected, the date falls in the northern Vikrama year 1581, expired, and the corresponding date, for that year, is Wednesday, the 8th July, A. D. 1524, when the fifth tithi of the bright half ended 1 h. 25 m. after mean sunrise.
In addition to quoting the 5th tithi which ended on the Wednesday, and from which the Wednes. day received its number 5, this date algo quotes the following sixth tithi, and it is in this respect similar to No. 49 of my Vikrama dates, ante, Vol. XIX. p. 33; but what makes this Ashadhadi date more interesting, is the fact that the 6th tithi also ended on the Wednesday, 1 h. 17 m.
before sunrise of the Thursday, and was therefore, in fact, a kshaya-tithi.
8. - In dates like the preceding the ordinals panchami, shashthi, etc., clearly denote the time occupied by the tithi itself, not the civil day on which the tithi ended; and those dates thus help to explain other dates in which the writers un. doubtedly have quoted actually current tithis, with the week days on which they commenced.
According to my Report on Sanskrit MSS. for 1880-81, p. 22, a palm-leaf MS. of Amarasitha's Ndmalingánususana is dated :Srimad- Ramachandradêva - vija ya rajyê
Kumkuņa-vishayê gata-Kali 4398 Hêmalambba-samvatsarê Jyéshtha-vadi
ashtamyâyam" Vrihaspati-dine By the southern luni-solar system the year Hêmalamba corresponds to Kaliynga 4398 expired, and the 8th tithi of the dark half of the amanta Jyêshtha of that year commenced on Thursday, the 13th Juno, A. D. 1297, 1 h. 37 m. after mean sunrise, and ended at mean sunrise of the following day. Here the Thursday, quoted in the date, was civilly badi 7, and the 8th tithi was either a kshaya-tithi or ended after true sunrise of the Friday. And the meaning of the date clearly is, that the writing was finished on the Thursday, during the 8th tithi.
In Professor Bhandarkar's Report for 1883-84, p. 357, the date of the composition of Mahêsvara's commentary on Purushottama's Vishnubhaktikalpalatd is given thus ; - Srimad-bhavalayanuramjana-lasat-kirtêr =
nțip&d=Vikramájjátê-sch(év)-Ambudhi-råga-bhami -ganit ê=
bdê MÅrgasîrshê=rjunê pakshe mukhyajaya-tithau Suraguru.
(ror)=yAre Virupaksha-bhüre nirmâtisma Mahéávarâ guru-ksipash=
tik&m=imam sumdardm 11 Here, again, the third (or mukhyajaya) tithi of the bright half of Margasirsha of V. 1647 expired commenced on Thursday, the 19th November, A. D. 1680, 1 h. 38 m. after mean sunrise, and ended 0 h.51 m. after mean sunrise of the following day.
And according to Professor Bendall's Catalogue,
11 I now find that by Prof. Jacobi's Special Tables for the Saryasiddhanta with bija, published in Epi. graphia Indica, Pt. VIJI., the seventh tithi, even at Ujjain, onded 8 ghafikas after mean sparise of this Sunday.
11 Another date of this description oooars in . M8.
of the Saptapadarth, of which a page is photographed in Dr. Rajendralál Mitra's Notices, Vol. II. : Samvat 1458 varsha Magha-vadi 6 anarhtara[th] saptamyath
than Guruddind; corresponding, for the pfirnimanta Magha of V. 1458, current, to Thursday, the 6th January, A.D. 1401.
18 Read ashfamydih.