MARCH, 1892.1
consecrated and adored by the four Sanghas one should reverence, but not any of any other Sangha, because this only leads to heresy."
(20) Thus, in the manner above explained, Bhadrabahu arose. After him came other Acharyas in regular order. Of these I am going to write only a brief account in their proper order, commencing with Bhadrabahu. It was not more than 4 years after the date of the accession to the throne of King Vikrama, on the 14th day of the light half of Chaitra, that Bhadrabahu succeeded to the pontificate; by caste he was a Brahman; as a householder he lived for 24 years, as an ordinary monk for 30 years; as pontiff for 22 years 10 months and 27 days; the intercalary days were 3; the total period of his life was 76 years and 11 months.
(21) After him, not more than 20 years after Vikra na), on the 14th dar of the light half of Phâlguna, Guptigupta, a Parwâr by caste, succeeded to the pontificate. He lived as a householder for 22 years, as an ordinary monk for 14, as pontiff for 9 years, 6 months and 25 days; the intercalary days were 5; the total period of his life was 65 yeni's and 7 months.
(22) After this the 85th pontificato34 began in the year 1450 after Vikrama, when, on the 5th day of the light half of Mâgha, Subhachandra succeeded. He lived as a householder for 16 years, as an ordinary monk for 14 years, as pontiff for 56 years 3 months and 4 days; the intercalary days were 11; his total period was 86 years, 3 montlis and 15 days. This should be understood to be the pattávali (or list of the pontiffs).
(23) After this (it is to be added that) the 26 pontificates, commencing with Bhadrabâhu down to Mêrukîrtti, took place in Bhaddalpuri in the Southern Country. Again the 26 pontificates, commencing with Mahikirtti down to Muhîchandra, took place in Málva. Amoug the latter 18 took place in Ujjaini, 4 in Chandêri, 3 in Bhol, and one in Kuņdalpur. These make up the 26 pontificates. After this, 12 pontificates, commencing with Vpishabhanandin and ending with Simhakîrtti, took place in Vârâ. After this 10 pontificates, commencing with Kanakakirtti and ending with Vasantakirtti, took place in Chitor. After this, 4 pontificates, viz., of Sûrachandra, Mâghachandra, Jnanakirtti, and Narendrakirtti, took place in Vagher. After this, 6 pontificates, commencing with Proshthilakírtti and ending with Prabhachandra, took place in Ajmêr. After this 2 pontificates, viz., those of Padmanandin and 'Subhachandra, took place in Vâgvar in Gujarat. After this Sakalakírtti succeeded to the pontificate in Vágvar.. This is the list of pontiffs in their proper order in the glorious Múlasangha, the Nandi Amnaya, the Sarasvati Gachchha, the Balâtkâra Gaņa.
(24) Farther the pattivalis of the Sênasangba, Simhasangha and Dêvasangha are separate. In the Sênasangha there is a pattávali of Acharyas in all respects different, commencing with Jinasena. In that (pattâ vali) there are four names in use for the Sênasąnigha, viz., 1, Raja, 2, Vira, 3, Bhadra, 4, Sêna. Again the four names, in use in the Simhasa gha, are 1, Simha, 2, Kumbha, 3, Aśrava, 4, Sagara. Again in the Devasaigha, the fourth after the Simhasaügba, there are the following 4 names in use, viz., 1, Dêva, 2, Datta, 3, Nâga, 4, Langa.
(25) Further it should be understood that the above-named Senasangha is known by the (three) names Sêna Sangha, Pushkara Gachchha and Sûrastha Gaņa. Similarly the SimhaBangha is known by the (three) names Simha Sangha, Chandra Kapâța Gachchha, and Kaņûra Gaņa. Again the Devagaigha is known by the (three) Dames Déva Sangha, Pustaka Gachchha, and Desi Gana.
(26) On this subject there are the following gâthâs :
“Nandi, Chanda, Kitti, Bhasaņa, these are the names of the Nandisangha. Sêņa, Raja, Vira, Bhadda, are those of the Senasangha. Simha, Kumbha, Åsava, Sagara are the names of the Simhasangha. Déva, Datta, Nága, Langa are those of the Devasangha."
This is a complete enumeration of the Achåryas within the Digambara Community.
The intermediate pontificates are given in the subjoined table.