Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 48
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 80
________________ 76 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY [ MAY, 1919 तत्रणावरोधानां भर्दषु व्यक्तविकमम् | कपोलपाटलादेशि बभूव रघुचेष्टितम् ॥ १८ ॥ काम्बोजाः समरे सोदु सस्य वीर्वमनीश्वराः। गमालानपरिक्लिष्टरक्षोटैः सार्धमानता; '६९॥ तेषां सदश्वभूयिष्ठास्तुंगा द्रविणराशयः । उपदा विविशुः शश्वनोत्सेकाः कोसलेश्वरम् ।। ७०॥ सती गौरीगुरुं शैलमारुरोहाश्वसाधनः । वर्धयनिव तस्कूटानुवृतानुरेषुभिः ॥ १ ॥ शशंस तुल्बसस्थानां सैन्धघोपेऽप्यसंभ्रमम् । गुहाशयानां सिमानां परिश्त्यावलोकितम् ।। ७२ ॥ भूजेषु मर्मरीभूताः कीचकध्वनिहतंवः। गंगाशीकरिणो मार्गे मरुतस्तं सिविरे !!३॥ विशश्रमुर्नमेरुणां छायास्वभ्यास्थ सैनिकाः।----- हपदी वासितारसंगा निषण्णमृगनाभिभिः ॥ ४ ॥ सरलासक्तमातंगवेवस्फुरितस्विषः। आसनोषधयो नेतुर्नतमस्नेहदीपिकाः ॥ ७५ ॥ सस्थोत्सष्टनिवासेषु कण्ठरग्गुक्षतत्वचः। गजवर्म किरातेभ्यः शशंसदेवदारवः॥ ७॥ सब जन्य रोपॉरं पर्वतीयगरभूत् । - नाराचक्षेपणीवाश्मनिष्पेषोत्पतितानलम् ।। ७०॥ शरैरुत्सवसंकेतान्स कृत्वा विरतोत्सवान् । जबोशाहरणं बाह्वोर्गापयामास किंनरान् ।। ७८ ॥ परस्परेण विज्ञातस्तेषूपायनपाणिषु । राज्ञा हिमवतः सारी राज्ञः सारो हिमाद्रिणा ।। ७९ ॥ तबामाभ्यं यशोगा िनिवेश्यावरुरोह सः। पोलस्त्यतुलितस्याद्ररावधान इव हियम् ।। ८० ॥ NOTES AND QUERIES. NOTES FROM OLD FACTORY RECORDS. wards the Bridge &ca. Buildings now in hand 13. The Pillory as a Punishment. and that He be sent to Fort St. David with the 29 November 1716. Consultation at Fort St. Deputy Governour with order to make him stand George. Mr. Hastings reports that one poinde before the Pillory with a labell about his neck Kistna [1Pavinda Krishna) formerly Cheif Dubash containing an Account of his crimes, that others of Fort St. David has been fully convicted before may be deterr'd from the same vile practices, and the Choultry Justice for having practie'd with especially such as owe all they have in the world Pandarum [pandlram, Hindu savetio mendioant) to the Honble. Companys Service. to bowitch Kittoo China Narrain (Kitthô Chinns 24 December 1716. Kitty Narrain for Poinde Narayan) his Kinsman the Present Cheif Dubash. Kistns pays into Cash Pagodas five hundred for Also that the said Kistaa has lately taken an the fine laid upon said Kistna in Consultation the unwarrantable liberty to make several scandalous 29th ultimo Andkyımbly petitions that the punish. aná groundles reflections upon the Government. ment of the Pillory may be remitted for his sake. The board taking into consideration the ill oftet Agreed that in consideration of the said Narraina it may have upon our Settlements if such evil good services to the Honblo. Company and this, preotions are not severely punish'd, That this That the Deputy Govemour and Councill of Fort Kistas has always been a turbulent, Sancy, and 8t. David be order'd to exouno Kistna the disgrace abusive follow over since He was tum'd out of of standing before the Pillory but that He be not his employ, That He was the main instrument permitted to reside longer in that settlomont under Mr Raworth Deputy Governor of Port St. where he has always caux'd great mischief and George ) for opproacing the Merchants and inbabi- disturbance. (Madras Public Consultations, vol. tanta till He turn'd him oft :-Agreed that the said 87). Poindo Kistp bo find five hundred Pagodas to B.C.T. Soren Gass or clans of Utaeva sanktos are stated to have been chfested by Arjuns in the MahabharatsII,IVIII, 16.


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