i-choma (da). 3. cheerless.... ig-wêlabnga (da). 4. weather (overcast). . . .ela-dilnga (da).
'dumb, (adj.). yâbnga-ûla (da). See âranga (da). mute, silent.
dung, (s.)... . âr-bô (da). durable, (adj.)
during, (postp.).... nga-bêdig len. During the night: gúrug len. During your absence: ng'ab-yaba len. He was often unconscious during his illness: ôl abyedngabedig ârla-réatek létaringa (da).
dusk, (s.)....êr-lōko-ritnga-gôi (da); ela-ritnga (da).
dusk, (v.i.) become. . . . ela-rit (ke). See late and App. x.
dust, (s.). êr-l'ôt-pûpya (da); êr-l'ôtbûbut (da); bûbra (da).
duty, (s.).. tig-yâm (da). It is our duty to obey orders: maratdúru lia tigyâm kánik tegi-l'ôtmálin (ke).
âr-chêba (da); gōra 3. -wax
dwarf, (s.).... ar-dêdeba (da).
dwell, (v.t.). 1. for an indefinite time. . . . bûdu (ke). 2. temporarily.... pòli (ke); pâli (ke). 3. permanently in same locality. . . âr-titegi (ke). This is said of certain of the inland-tribes who live in permanent villages, while the coast-tribes more or less frequently move from one encampment to another.
dwelling, (s.) bûd (da). See hut.
dysentery, (s.). . . . âr-bô-chêrama (da); âr-ti-la-wêjeringa (da); âr-ti-la-chêlnga (da). See blood and issue.
each, 1. (adj.) every one, separately considered...ûba-ijila (da). Before distributing the food Wologa called each man by name: yât walnga l'entōka wóloga búla abaijila ting-l'âr-enire. 2. (pron.) each one... ûbatûl-tul (da). Each of those women will feturn to her home to-day carrying her infant all the way in her (chip) sling: ka-wai kát' âpail l'ông-kalak len úbatúl-túl ab-nord-yâte ping-dru jk.
eager, (adj.). . . i-ratnga (da). eagle, fish- (8.) 1. (Blagrus leucogaster) ... badgi (da). 2. a small variety. . . .
ear, (s.) 1.... ig-pûku (da). 2. lobe of ear
ig-puku-l'ar-déreka (da). âka-ya-mûruwin (da). 4. oriig-paku-l'aka-bang (da). 5. ear-ache . . .ig-pôku-châm (da);ig-pukuyed (da). 6. ear-less.... ig-pûku-lûpa (da). 7. ears, shut one's (v.i.)...... akan (or aiyan)-mûju (ke).
early, (adv.). jälwa-lingi. early today..... ka-wai jälwa-lingi. early morn ing. See dawn.
earth, (s.) 1. the world. . . . êrema (da). See world. 2. soil gara (da). See
earthquake, (s.) 1.... .êr-yûanga (da). We were all frightened yesterday when (lit. in) the earthquake (occurred): dília éryúanga len m'ardúru mat-lâtre. 2. (diminutive) êr-yûyukanga (da). earth-worm, (s.). . . . wilidim (da). ease, (adj.) rest from work.... pòlingayôma (da).
easily, (adv.). . . . . .ûn-ôjomaich-tek. east, (s.). el-âr-mûgu (da). N.E. wind, and N.E. monsoon. See north.
easy, (adj.) to make or do. . . . ûnôjomaich (da).
eat, (v.t.) with reference to one person.... mäg (ke); meg (ke); mäk (ke). 2. with reference to two or more. . . . âkà-wed (ke); âka-wet (ke). 3. one kind of food. . . . lê (ke). Don't eat any more of that, there will be none left for the others: ngô lát lêka dâke! wai arat-dilu lat akà-kichal yaba (da). What has been eaten of yours?: ngia: michiba lêngata? taking food with lips, not hands ... pai (ke). See lip. 5. greedily.... ig-noma (ke). 6. eat up, devour. âr-lêreka-mäg(ke). See devour.
eating, (p.a.) engaged in... . âkà-kâd (ke). We parents are now busy eating: mòiot-bă achitik makat-kâd (da). Don't call
a, idea, out: a, cur: à, casa: à, father: a, fathom: ai, bite: au, house: àu, rouse.