Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 48
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 398
________________ INHERIT IVORY inherit, (v.t.) .... er-gora (ke). Instruet, (v.t.) 1. teach .... f-tai (ke). Inhospitable, (adj.).... Bka-kt-jabag 1 2. in some handicraft.... ông-tâm-tek (ke). (da). See teaeh. Inhuman, (adj.) See eruel. insult, (s.) . . . . witi (da); ab-tôgo (da). injurious, (adj.) .... @chenga (da). insult, (v.t.) .... ab-tôgo (ke). injury, (s.) See damage, hurt. insufficient, (adj.) .... Ar-wôdlinga (da). Inland, (8.) .... erem-chàu (da). (lit. intelligent, (adj.) .... mūgu-tig (or tt) jungle-body). dai (da). Inmate, (8.) of hut .... büd-pòli-yâte intend, (v.t.)....ot-kuk (ke). See heart. Ot-ñaki (ke); mîn (ke); jød (ke). What do (da). you intend (to do)?: michiba ng'ôt-kúk (ke) ? innocent, (adj.) .... Ôt-kalya (da). or ñaki (ke)? We intend to go hunting : meda Innumerable, (adj.) 1. of human beings ut'len jud (ke). What do you intend doing ? : .... at-Ababa (da). 2. of birds and animals ngô michima minke! I intend visiting Kyd .... 6t-Ababa (da). 8. of inanimate objects Island : wai dê dûratang len nakike. .... Ababa (da). intentionally, (adv.) .... år-lagap. See insane, (adj.) .... pichanga (da). purposely. insect, (s.) .... wên (da). inter, (v.t.) bury .... (8t) büguk (ke). Insert, (v.t.) 1. a knife in one's girdle, or interfere, (v.i.) intermeddle .... on-tigin thatch of hut.... jālagi (ke). 2. a chupa (ke). stick in & hole .... diyo-loti (ke). See interior, (8.) See inland, inside. accomplish, admit. interpret, (v.t.) .... itâ-yåp (ke); akaInshore, (adv.) ..... See hunt, turtle, tegi-l'itán (ke). pole, canoe. interrogate, (v.t.) See question. inside, (s.) .... koktår (da). The inside issue, (v.t.) 1. as ochreous mineral from of the bucket : dakar-koktar (da). the earth... chel (ke). See detecate. inside, (postp.) . . . . koktâr-len. Inside 2. as smoke, as an insect or animal emerging the bucket : dakar-koktár-len. from a hole .... wêjeri (ke). Steam is inside-out, (adv.) .... Ôt-kaidlinga. issuing from the steamer's fuppel: birmainsipid, (adj.) .... gôloga (da). chelewa l'aka-bang tek wiludanga la wejerike. in situ, (adv.) in original site or position Isthmus, (8.).... toto-kinab (da). .... wai (da). There quartz is in situ: It, (pron, nom.) 8lla ; in construo. 01; ka). kato tõlma wai (da). See that (dem, pron.). It fell ..... 61 Insoluble, (adj.) .... On-târ-chêba (da). pare. (obj.) .... en; l'en; ad. See App. ii. inspect, (v.t.) a locality or site .... er- He stole it: ôl l'en tdpre. See bow. Bia l'igbadi (ke). See examine. beat it on the head; bia l'ad 6t-părekre. Instead, (adv.) in place or room.... its, (poss. pron.)... fa (da); ot; ar; akd ; ông-têka : i-gal; i (or ot)-gôlai. Let me huntig; etc. See App. ii; e.g. reg l'fa-ydt (piginstead of Biala : biala l'Ong-têka d'biyo- its-food). karama l'őt (and t'ar)-chama (da). delenga. See exchange, let. Instead of his See bow. roko l'oko (and l'ig)-mdgu. See canoo. catching a pig a boar gashed his leg and mait l'aka-chati (Sterculia-tree-its-branch). escaped : reg eninga l'igal 6t-yêregnga l'arnga- itch, (8.) .... rûtung-aij (da). See skin tare blbedig adwetire. (v.i.) .... ratu (ke). Instep, (s.) .... tg-lânta (da). Itehy, (adj.) . . . . ratunga (da). Instigate, (vit.) .... See abet. ivory, (s.) .... piliha-tê (da). 4, ida, out: &, our: À, 08 : A, father : &, fathom: ai, bite : au, house: eu, rouse.


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