Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 48
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 220
________________ 216 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY [ NOVEMBER, 1919 Vertical or veril; (2) ka with the lower part of the tion that may be made to such a construction is vertical prolonged ; (3) invariably rounded ga; that tivasisata and og hafitah are not combined (4) chha of the butterfly type with two loope; (5) according to the rule of Sandhi. But this is not ta's having in most cises rounded lower part. These the only instance in which the writer of this characteristics that the Hathigumpha inscription epigraph has ignored the rules of Sandhi in writing shares, to a considerable extent, with the inscrip & compound word. In the first line we have tions on the Sancht gateways, indicate that this chaturaihtala-fhuna-guna-up(a)têna. Bhagavanlal opigraph is later in date not only than Aboka's and Jayaswal read gun-opagatêna. But in the odiots and tho Bosnagar Garuda pillar inscriptions, facsimile the letter after gu looks more like na than but also later than the Bharhut torana inscription, no, and the two letters after na are upa and not and the NanAghat inscriptions of the time of the paga. So here na and u have not been combined. Andhra King Siri Sata kapi I. Therefore Batakani The non-eligion of a of guna and sata may be due to montioned in the Hathigumphd inscription, without the fact that in both cases it is followed by verbe taking heed of whom-Khára véla sent a large army beginning with a vowel, Tivasasata 88 & part of to the west in the second year of his reign, should tho compound may mean either 300 or 103 years. also be identified with Satakarņi II whose reign If we take it in the sense of " 300 years," the whole may be tentatively dated between 75-20 B.C. compound denoting, "made by king Narda 300 The rise of Satakarpi II and Khåravéla probably years before," the historical evidence contained synchronised with the fall of the Sunga dynasty herein agrees well with the indications of palæogra. and the consequent weakening of the power of phy. Mr. Banerji proposes to identify this Nandardja Magadha. Satakarni II evidently claimed some with Nandivardhana, the ninth king of the Bifu. sort of suzera inty over the states that lay to the någa dynasty. There is nothing in the Puranas, wost of Kalinga and consequently Khára véla's our only sources of information for Nandivardhana, expeditions to the west involved defiance of the that he ever had anything to do with Kalinga, Andhra power. Khára vêla probably never again On the contrary we are distinctly told in the did 80 after the second year of his reign. His later Puranas that when the kings of the Sisunaga expeditions were led to the north. In the eighth dynasty and their predecessors were reigning in your Khara vela raided Magadha and compelled Magadha, 32 Kalingas, that is to say, 32 kings, the king of Rajagaha (Rajagriha) to retire to reigned in Kalinga in succession synchronously. Mathura. In the twelfth year he again invaded It is not Nandivardhana but Mahapadma Nanda, Magadha and made the Magadha king bow at his son of Nandivardhana's son Mahanandin by a feet. Badra woman, who is said to have brought "all One grave objection to this calculation of the ander his sole sway "and uprooted all Kshatriyas' date of Khåra vêla based on palæographic con or the old reigning families. So we should identify siderations is ti-vasa-sata in the clause Nardaraja Nardaraja of the Hathigumpha inscription who tivasasala 0.fitam, Bhagavanlal reads it as divasa- held possession of Kalinga either with the allquiari and Mr. Jayaswal as ti-rasa-sata (!) and conquering Mahậpadma Nanda or one of his sons. evidently Dr. Lüders also does the same and According to the Purâņas Mahậpadma Nanda lived translates it as "103 years". Stems sata (hundred) or reigned for 88 years and his 8 sons in all reigned and sahasa (1,000) take plural suffixes in the edicts 12 years.10 A total reign of 12 years for eight song of Aloks as well as in the Hathigumphê inscription indicates confusion. So it appears more reasonable when denoting plurality of hundreds or thousands. to identify the Nandarâja of the HAthigumpha In the Rock Edict I we have vahuni panasatasaha. inscription with Mahapadma Nanda than with any säni, "many hundred thousand'animals"; in of his sons. The last Nanda was overthrown by the Rock Edict IV, vahuni vasasatani, “many Chandragupta the Maurya in about 321 B.C.As. hundreds of years". suming that Mahapadma Nanda reigned for 50 Håthigumph inscription : years not an inordinately long period for a L. 4. panatisâhi satasahasthi, by 3,500,000." monarch who reduced all the ancient kingdoms of L. 7. andkani satasahasani, "many hundreds of Northern India to subjection, we have 321+12 thousands." +50=383 B.C. as the year of his accession; and, L 10. afhatisa satasahaathi, "by 3,800,000." further, assuming that the author of the Hathi. If the reading is ti-vasa-satarl, it must denote 103 gumphê inscription, in putting down“ 300 years and not 300. But, as the facsimile shows, there as the interval between Nanda's rule in is no anusvåra sign either above or beside the final Kalinga and the fifth year of Khara vela has used ta of tivaaasata. The absence of vibhakti (nuffix) & round number, we may put down the accession of after tioasasata is due to the fact that it forma part | Khâra vêla to about 70 3.0, and that of Satakarni of a compound word, Namdaraja-tivasasala-o (ghar) | II a few years earlier. Juanh qualifying panaderh (aqueduct). An objec. RAMAPRASAD CHANDA. 10 Pargiter's Purâna Texts, p. 69.


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