2. Coast of the northern half of N. Andamanother characteristics, distinguish them from ..... el-akd-köra (da). 3. Interior of N. the five northernmost tribes (Aka-yêre) Andamard .... el-Aka-tabo (da). 4. Coast of and the two járawa tribes. 1. in the southern half of N. Andaman and N.E. district of kåpa-tong (da). . . . åka-juwai corner of Middle Andaman .... el-akà-yêre (da). This term means " designs-cut-on(da); also, el-Akd-järo (da.) 5. Northern bow." In the map this name has been half of Middle Andaman and S.W. corner inadvertently shown as "Öko-juwai (da)," of N. Andaman with Interview Island .... which is its designation in that tribe's el Akd-kede (da). 6. Coast and interior dialect. 2. in el-aka-ko] (da). . . . akd-kõl of central portion of Middle Andaman .... (da). 3. in el-akà-bôjig-yâb (da). . . . âkakâpa-tong (da), lit. leaf of the Licuala peltata, bôjig- yâb (da) 4. in el-år-jůru (da). . . âkèwhich is abundant there. 7. Central portion balawa (da), lit." opposite coast people." of E. coast of Middle Andaman .... el-akà 5. in el-akà-bêa (da). . . . aka-bêa (da). ' köl (da). Käl means " flower.” 8. S.E. corner Andamanese of the following two tribes of Middle Andaman including part of Bård- or septe, onge-järawa (da). 1. occupying tâng and adjacent islets .... el-akd-bôjig- el-akà-järawa (da). ... aka-järawa (da). This yâb (da). - Barátâng means bdra-tree; is an off-short of the Little Andaman tribe. this island being reckoned part of the 2. in Little Andaman. ...inge. The name Middle Andaman. The full name means of this tribe for itself, till friendly relations locality of our type (or kind) of speech. were established between 1885-90) both See our and speech. 9. The Archipelago were designated “Akd-järawa (da)." with Button Islands .... el-ar-jůru (da), lit. angel, (s.) celestial spirit. ...moro-win the land across the sea. 10. Coasts of (da), lit. "sky-creature." The morowin S. Andaman and Rutland Island, the Laby- are regarded as the children of Puluga (the rinth Islands, and S.W. corner of Middle Creator). The eldest of these spirits is Andaman .. .. el-akd-bêa (da), lit. the land named pij-chor, whose duty it is to convey of spring water. 11. Part of interior of Puluga's orders to the others. S. Andaman, Rutland, and Barátång Islands, anger, (v.t.). ... en-tig-rel (ke). He analso N. Sentinel.... el-akd-järawa (da). 12. gered Punga yesterday : a dilêa pũnga-ya Little Andaman .. .. pâtâng (da), wilima- l'entigrêlre. târa (da). Pâtâng is the Semecorpus angry, (adj). 1. ... iji-rêlnga (da); tigtree which flourishes there, and wilima- rêlnga (da). He is often angry: ôl arlatara means “ Caguarina trees on the sand." rêatek ijirélnga (da). 2. with another...
Andamanese of the following five tribes eb-iji-rélnga (da). Why are you angry with or septs . . . . âka-yêrewa (da). 1. in the me? michalen ngô d'eb ijirelnga (da)? 3. district of el-akà-châriâr (da). . .aka-chåriâr with one's wife, or husband. ...ig-râknga (da). 2. in el-aka-köra (da)... Akdköra (da). See avold. (da). 3. in el-aka-tabo (da). .. . aka-tábo animal, (s.). .. tôt-ndu (da). (da). 4. in el-akd-yere (da). . . . Akà yêre animosity, (8.). . . . yôdi (da). See enmity (ca). 5. in el-akà-kede (da). . . åkd-kede ankle, (8.)... Ông-tôgur (da). (da).
annoy, (v.t.) molest... ig-joli (ke); Andamanese of the following five tribes
ông-tāli (ke).
annually, (adv.)...talik-tálik. The fruitor septs. ...bôjig-ngiji (da). This term
tree bears (fruit) only once annually : dka-idla denotes "our (or, fellow.) kinsmen."
ogun aba-dôga tdlik-tdlik arbátke. The bows, arrows, and other articles another, (adj). 1. not the same... akemade and used by these five tribes, besides tedi-bolya (da); Akd-toro-bûya (da). Go
A, idea, cut: i, our: a, casa: a, father: a, fathom: ai, bito: au, house, au, rouse,