Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 48
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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Bharahut-In the Central Provinces, 120 miles to the south-west of Allahabad and nine miles
to the south-east of the Sutna railway station, celebrated for its slúpa said to belong to 250 B.C. Bharatavarsha-India. India (Intu of Hiuen Tsiang, who travelled in India from 629 to
645A.D.), is a corruption of Sindha (9.v.j or Sapta Sindhu (Hafta Hendu of the Vendidad, I, 73). It was named after a king called Bharata (Linga P., Parva Bhaga, ch. 47; Brahma P., ch. 13), and before Bharata, it was called Himah va-varsha (Brahmânda P., Pârva, ch. 33, sloka 55) and Haimavata-varsha (Linga P., Pt. I, ch. 49). In the Pauranio period, Bhâratavarsha was bounded on the north by the Himalayas, on the south by the ocean, on the east by the country of the Kiràtas and on the west by the country of the Yavanas (Vishnu P., II, ch. 3: Markandeya P., oh. 57). Bharata varsha represents a political conception of India, being under one king, whereas Jambud vipa represents a geographical conception. Bhargava--Western Assam, the country of the Bhars or Bhors (Brahmânda P., ch. 49). Bhargavi--A small river near Puri in Orissa was called Dandabhängâ from the fact that Nityananda broke at Kamalapura on the bank of this river the Danda or ascetic stick of Chaitanya and threw the broken pieces into the stream (Chaitanya-charitamrita, II).
It was also called Bhagi. Bharttri-sthana-Same as Svaml-tirtha (Padma P., Svarga, ch. 19). Bharu-The name of a kingdom of which Bharukachchha was a seaport ; see Bharukachehha. Bharukachchha-Baroach, the Barygaza of the Greeks (Vinaya, III, 38). Bali Raja attend
ed by his priest Sukracharya performed a sacrifice at this place, when he was deprived of his kingdom by Visbņu in the shape of a dwarf, Vamana, (Matsya P., ch. 114). SarvaVarma Acharya, the author of the Katantra or Kalapa Vydkarang and contemporary of Raja Satavahana of Pratishthana was a resident of Bharukachchha (Kathå-saritSagara, Pt. Ich, 6). The Jaina temple of Sakunikavihåra was constructed by Amrabhata in the reign of Kumarapala, king of Pattana, in the 12th century. Bharukachchha was also called Bhrigu pura (Tawney : Prabandhachintamani, p. 136). In the Suppdraka Jalaka (Jataka, Cam. ed., iv, p. 86), Bharukachohha is said to be a seaport town in the
kingdom of Bharu. Bhasa-Perhaps it is the Bhå snáth hill, a spur of the Brahmayoni hill in Gaya: see Gaya
[Anugita, (SBE.,) vol. VIII, p. 346). Bhaskara-kshetra-Prayaga, see Prayaga (Raghunandana's Prayaéchitta-latiram, Garga.
Mâh&tmya). Bhautika-Lligas-For the five Bhautika or elementary images of Matâdeva, see Chidemi
baram. Bhavaninagara-Same as Taljabhavani. Bhima-Same as Vidarbha (Devi P., ch. 46). Bhimanagara–Kangra. Bhimapura-1. Vidarbhanagara or Kuodinapura, the capital of Vidarbhs (see
Kundinapura). 2. Same as Dakint (Brihat-Siva P., Uttara Kh., ch.3). Bhimarathe-Same as Bhimarathi (Markandeya P., ch. 67).