Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 48
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 110
________________ 196 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY [JULY, 1919 75%, 70%, 65%. 60% and 50% respectively of pure gold, the last being called môjó. These are shown in the figure from left to right, the smallest pieces being of the highest and the longest of the lowest intrinsio SCALE: ACTUAL BIZE. In reference to touch needle for gold, the observant Lockyer is worth quoting here. At p. 132 ff. T'rade in India, 1711, he writes as to Canton especially :- * "Gold is a Metal of such Value. that a small Mistake in its Fineness may be two or three per Cent Loss to the Buyer. The Chinese reckon by Touches, 100 is full fine, and equal to 24 Carracts English; wherefore a Set of Touches with Silver Allay, from 50 to 100 touch, rising gradually as you are able to discern the Difference of Colours on a Touch Stone, would be & great Helptho' it must be a nice Judgment to distinguish a Touch (or 100th part) ...... Sometimes they make it not above 50 or 60 Touch, and guild it four or five times over; so that relying on your smooth Stones, you are liable to be imposed on: Therefore I look on the rougher ones that are used by the Banians of Indostan, with a Balj of Black Wax, to be the best : But for want of these raise the Sides with a Graver, or cut it half through with a Chizel, and break the rest ; whence you may see the Colour and Grain, and easily detect their Fraud; should you cut it quite thro', the Chizel will so draw the Gold over the Allay, that you can learn nothing hy it." Again, after explaining that copper alloy will mako gold appear to be of better quality than pure silver alloy, or mixed silver and copper alloy, Lockyer goes on to quote the advice (p. 137) of one Mr. Hynmers as to the use of touchstones:-- * You only want a little Practice to confirm you in this; and if you have Touches made with the three different Allays I mention'd (Copper, Copper and Silver, and Silver) you cannot he easily deceiv'd with the Copper Allay. Now the use of your Touch-stone: You should during the Term of your Voyage, especially a Month or two before you arrive at China, often practice your Touches, rubbing them on your Stone one by another, till you can know the Difference, which your constantly doing will confirm you in. When your Touch-stone is fillid, vou may clear it hy rubbing it with a Piece of fine Charcole and Oyl, or fine Emery Powder and Ovl, or Scuttle-fish Bone; but remember the smoother you rub the Stone the better will your Tonches appear on it, and to wash off the Oyl well after cleaning : For the Touches will not take well, the Stone being Oily. And after you have at any time rubb'd your Touch, and Gold on it, lick it over with your Tongue, and it makes it appear better to know the Difference. If you continually practice and mind these Directions; it will not be 50 The Malaya waod 20 to 24 needles in a sot. JASB., May 1836, in Appx. to Moor's Indian Archipelago. p. 71. See also Crawfurd, Am. p. 434. For Indian touch-needles (banwari), aee Ain-Akbari, Gladwin's Trans., Vol. I, p. 6f. ; Blochmann's Trans., Vol. I, p. 19ff.


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