Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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Anantākasa - 37765196191 - Infinity of space. Anantānanta - 34771197 - Infinite times infinite. Anantānubandhi . figeret - Passing leading to endless mundane existence. Anantanubandhi catuska-अनन्तानुबन्धी चतुष्क - The four passions leading to endless mundane existence. Anantānubandh i kaşaya-377-113apat 2 479 - Intersest type of passion, error feeding passions. Anantā nubandhi viyojaka · अनन्तानुबन्धी वियोजक - Separator of the passions leading to infinite births. Anantā nuvargan ā . 3776mmaufun- Infinite atoms molecule. Ananvaya - 377014 - Lacking in positive concomitance unconnected. Ananya - 3771 - Identical. Ananyaka - 379R16 - Not other than itself Ananya par in a ma - 3TR Yrvice Inalienable modes. Anapavartyāyusa - 37749 reifen - Lifetime that can be cut short, whose life term cannot be reduced. Anapavartyāyușa - 347492afya - Those whose lives are not cut short are anapavartyäyuşa. The lifetime of beings born in special beds, those with final, superior bodies and those of innumerable years, can not be cut short. There is no such certainty in the case of others.
S. 2/53 Anarpita - 37afta - Not giving prominence form one point of view.
Anarpita - 3701ta - Secondary importance. Anartha - 3772 - Purposeless. Anarthadan da - 372fque - Purposeless sin Anasana - 374849 - Fasting. Anasana - 377979 - Fasting. Fasting is intended to promote self-control and discipline, destruction of attachment, destruction of karmas and attainment of meditation and scriptural knowledgeand temporal benefits.
S-9/19 Anavadya - 37795 - Sinless. Anavasthā - 37795en - Infinite regress, Regresus ad infinitum. Anavasthita . अनवस्थित - Transient, Unlimited or indefinite. Anda - 3705 - The covering, which is composed of the white shell and blood, which is hard like the nail, and which is globular or oval in shape is the egg.
S-2/33 An daka - 34056 - Turet design. Anļākāra - 39061are - Oval shaped. Añjana - 37557 - Collyrium. Angavidyā -345faen - A science predicting events from the throbbing etc. of limbs. Angopānga-3797415 - Organ - Organelle. Angopanga namakarma - अङ्गोपाङ्ग 7740, - Organelle genetic code functional Anta - 3777 - Last, End. Antara aya ma-377 378414 - Interval Length Antara karaņa Kāla-3771 ARU 2017Interval operation period.