Proper names, other than those given in the preceding, that ooour in the inscription, are (besides the name Sudarsana of the lake itself) Girinagara in line 1, Orjayat, the name of a mountain, in line 5, and Suvarnasikata and Palasini, the names of two rivers, in lines 5 and 6. Of these, Girinagara, the hill-city,' as was recognized already by Prof. Lassen, is the earlier name of the town of Junagadh or its ancient representative, wbile Urjayat denotes the mountain now called Girnar. Of the two rivers the first, according to Dr. Bhagvanlal Indraji, is a small perennial stream now called Sonarékha; the name of the other does not seem to survive.
TEXT. 1 Siddham [1] Idam tadikam Sudarsanam Gir[i]nagarådesp[i] [a][?]ram=
a[n]t[a] . . . . . . . .. .. . . (tt)iko-pala-vistâr-åyåm
Ochohbraya-?nihsandhi-baddha-dridha-sarvva-pAlikatv&t=parvvata-pa2 da-ppratisparddhi-suślish[t]a-'[ba][ndha?] :... to .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [va]játên-Akritrimêpa
sêtubandhên=ôpapannan supprativihita-pprana?i-pari[v]&hs-11 3 midhavidhanam! cha tri-skan[dha?] . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . n-ádibhir-anugrahair-mahaty
upachayê varttate [lo] Tad=idam råjño mahakshatrapasya sugrihs4 ta-nampaḥ Svâmi-Chashtanasya paatrals . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
putrasys rajfio mahakshatrapasya gurabhir=abhyasta-namnô Rudradâmnô varshé dvisaptatitam[e] 702 5 Märggasirsha-lbahula-prat[i] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. ........!!? srishta-vrishtina parijanyềna18 karpatabhůtâyâm=iva pritbivyår kritâyên girêr-Orjayata) Suvarnastkata
1 The town Girinagara is mentioned in an inscription of A.D. 706, Ind. Ant. Vol. XIII. p. 78, line 19. ? See Gupta Inscr. p. 57.
• From Dr. Fleet's impression. An asterisk after a letter or ayllable shows that such letter or sy 12blo is entirely broken away. In the following notes the letter B. denotes Prof. Bühler's text, the letter I that of Dr. Bhagvanlal Indraji.
B. has taţakars, but the second syllable is undoubtedly dd; compare ta in taf-attalak, 1. 6. The word is spelt tadáka nlso in the Junagadh rock inscription of Skandagupta, Gupta Inger. p. 61, 11. 21 and 23.-It may be noted that Prinsep's wrong reading tatakam is responsible for the word tafaka, shore,' of our dictionaries
I. and B. have Girinagará dri-pada-rama], but in his notes on I. Prof. Bübler stated that the reading di is very improbalile. In the impression, the akshara which by Bhagvanlal Indraji was read dri seems unionbtedly to be only da; and the following akshara cannot be read på, but is most probably pi.
. The original apparently had msittik.. I. has 6chkraya.
• B. omits dridha. . From here, commencing with the t of shţa, the lower part of the aksharas is broken away. The word read bandham might equally well be baddhan.
10 Here there are remainders of three aksharas, the second of which seems to have contained the conjonet rk. 11 I. and B. have -parlehan. 12 The sign of anusuára over na looks somewhat like the superscriptr. 13 I. and B, have -skandhan.
14 The lacuna may be filled up thos: pautra(sya ndjiaḥ kshatrapasya sugrillta-namnah SodmiJayaddmna]); but I should have expected five or six syllables more.
15 I. and B. have Márgao.
16 B. haspa, but the akshara prs and the t of ti sre clear in the impression. The original most probably bad pratipadi.
17 I. and B. have susrishta-, but the sign of visarga before srishta is quite clear. What remains of the akshara preceding the visarga looks as if that akshara bad contained the letter kor or a subacript
1. Real nyenaaikd.