18 mad-Rajyapalapurê Gamgâyâm snåtvå vidhivan-mantra-dêva-muni-manuja-bhûtapitri-gapams-tarppayitva timira-paṭala-pâṭana-patu-mahasa [m=U]shparochisha[m=
19 y-Aushadhipati-sakala-sêsha (kha) ram samabhyarchchya tribhuvana-trâtur-Vvâsudevasya pûjam vidhaya prachura-payasêna havisha havirbhujam hutvå måtâpi[tr]ôr= âtmanas-cha
20 punya (pya)-yasô-bhivriddhayê Kasyapa-sagôtraya | Kasyap-Avatsara-Naidhruvatripravaraya I Vajasanêya-sakhine pamḍita-sri-Gupapala-p[r]apautraya | pa[m]dita-sri-Lokapala-[pautraya | pamḍita-śrî]
21 Madanapala-putraya | pamḍita-6ri-Dâmôdarasa [r] mmanê vrå (bra)hmanây=âsmâbhir= ggokarppa-kusalatâ-pûta-karatal-ôdva (da)ka-pûrnpa(rvva)m = &- cha mdr-arkkam yavach-chhiaalkritys prada[t] [matv]
22 yathadiyamâna-bhagabhôgakara-pravanika[ra]-jalakara-gokara-turushkadamda-prabhritidasyarth-8ti || Bhavanti ch=àtra dharmm
ânu[sam (sa)]sinaḥ
23 ślôkâḥ 116
Likhitam ch-êdam tâmyra-pattakam karapika-thakkura
sri-Vivikên-êti |||||
This also is a single plate, which measures about 1' 5" broad by 1' 11" high, and is engraved on one side only. In the upper part it has a ring-hole, about " in diameter; and to the plate belongs a circular seal which is similar to that of the inscription A. The plate contains 26 lines of generally well preserved writing. The size of the letters is between and ". The characters are Nagari, and the language is Sanskrit. As regards orthography, the letter b is denoted by the sign for v, except in the word babhramur=; occasionally the dental sibilant is employed for the palatal, and the palatal for the dental (as in sahasra, twice); and the word hamso is written hansô, in line 25.
This is another inscription of the Paramabhattaraka Maharajadhiraja Paramésvara Govindachandradeva, who records that, on Monday, the 5th of the bright half of Pausha of the year 1207 (given in words and figures), on the occasion of the Uttarayana-samkranti, after bathing at the Kôți-tirtha at Benares, he granted the village of Lôlirupâdâ,7 together with Tivayi-kshetra, in the Umbarala pattala, to the Pandita Dâmôdarasarman, known to us already as the donee of the grants C. and D.- The taxes specified (in lines 17) are the bhagabhôgakara, pravanikara and turushkadanda. The grant (tamra) was written by Vidyadhara, the son of (the Karanika) Dhandhuka.
The date, for Vikrama-samvat 1207 expired, corresponds to Monday, the 25th December A.D. 1150, when the 5th tithi of the bright half commenced 3 h. 33 m., and the Uttarayanasamkranti took place 3 h. 48 m., after mean sunrise.
The localities I am unable to identify.
1 This and the other signs of punctuation in lines 20 and 21 are superfluous.
2 The akshara vrá is engraved over fri which had been originally engraved. Read pradatta iti matva. Read dasyathmeti.
Here follow the eleven verses commencing Bidim yah pratigrihnati, Sankham bhadr-dsanam, Bahubhir rasudha, Sarvdn-étán-bhavinah, Shashtim varsha-sahasrani, Gam-ékám, Taddgdnám sahasréna, Sva-dattám para-dattdim vd, Vari-hinéshewaranyéshu, Yan-tha datidni and Vát-ábhra-vibhramam.
7 Or, perhaps, Lolikapâda; see the note on the text.
Read támra..
This was perhaps a potaka of Lôlirupâḍa.
Dhandhaka wro e the grant of Vikrama-samvat 1201, treated of above, Vol. V. p. 115, and is most probably identical with the Thakkura Dhadhuka who wrote the grant of Vikrama-samvat 1197, noticed above, Vol. VI. p. 114.