Nos. III.-VIII., X.-XVIII., XXI.-XXIII. and XXXII. In No. XXXII. we find thakurájni as the title of Samtosha, the mother of Tējahpåla's second wife Suhadâdevi, whose maternal grandfather and great-grandfather are called thao. As shown by Nos. XXVI., XXVII. and XXX., Vastupala, the elder brother of Tēja »påla, bore the title of sanghapati.2 From the ninth sarga of the Kirtikaumudi it appears that he had earned this title by organising and conducting a great pilgrimage to the tirthas of Satrumjaya, Raivataka and Prabhaga. The title itself is alluded to in sarga IX. verse 12, where it is said: 'He dined when all (others) had dined; he went to sleep when all the other) pilgrims had fallen into slumber; he was the first to awake. In this manner he performed the vow of being a sanghaprabhu.' Seven times female relatives of Téjab påla are given the title of bái (Nos. IV., XI., XXVI., XXVII., XXIX-XXXI.)
No. XXXII. mentions the Modha jiti in Pattana as the tribe to which the family of Suhadådôvi, the second wife of Têjabpala, belonged.
The saints whose images were set up are the Jina Sapârsva (No. XII.), Mani Suvrata (No. XXI.), Varisêņa (No. XXIV.), Chandranana (No. XXV.), the eternal Jina Rishabba (No. Xxx.), the eternal Jina Vardhamana (No. XXXI.), and the tirthakaras Simamdharasva. min (No. XXVI.), the Jina Yugamdharasvâmin (No. XX VII.), the Jina Bahu (No. XXVIII.), and Subábu (No. XXIX.).
Nos. IV. XVIII. are dated in the Vikrama year 1988; Nos. XIX.-XXIII. in the Vikrama year 1290; Nos. XXIV. and XXV. on the seventh day of the dark half of Chaitra in the Vikrama year 1993; Nos. XXVI.-XXXI.? on Friday, the eighth day of the dark half of Chaitra in the Vikrama year 1293, whicb, for the Karttikadi V. 1293 expired and the púrnimanta Chaitra, regularly corresponds to Friday, 20th February A.D. 1237; No. XXXII. is dated on Thursday, the fourteenth day of the dark half of Vaisakha in the Vikrama year 1297, which, for the Kárttikadi V. 1297 expired and the púrnimânta Vaišákba, regularly corresponds to Thursday, 11th April A.D. 1241.
NO. 1.8
TEXT. 1 ओं ॥ वंदे सरखतीं देवीं याति या विमानसं । नी[यमाना
[f a]a (UTWAT] [a]tfa[T 1] | 3: []ifaat[1071[T: प्रकोप शांतोपि दीप्त]: स्मरनिग्रहाय । निमीलिताक्षो[पि समग्रदर्शी स व: शिवायास्तु शि.
1 Similarly in the pedigree of Téjubpálu's wife Anupainadevi in No. II. 1. 7f. four persons are called mahan, while the rest is styled thao.
? The same title is applied to Vastupala in No. II. 1. 4.
* The title of sanghapati occurs also in the Satrunjayamáhálmya. According to XIV. 84 ff. it was c-nferred by PÅrsva op his relative Hastin, who afterwards undertook a pilgrimage to various holy places.
• The correct Sanskrit forin would be Várishdna.
• The four tirthakaras are distinguished by the epithet viharamana, the exect meaning of which is unknown to me.
The Jins Simard barasvâinin is koowa from Hêmachandra's Sthavira ralicharita, IX. 95 fr. and the Satrumjayamahatmya, I. 163.
1 Of No. XXVIII, the first line (containing the date) is lost, but it is almost certain that the inscription was dated in the same year.
. On a black slab built into a niche in the corridor. No. 1740 of Mr. Cousens's list. • Expressed by a symbol.