the country of Chandravati, each day being assigned to a certain local community. The inscription enumerates many of these laymen by name, adding in each case the name of the father and the nati. About half of them belonged to the Prágråtas; the rest was divided between the Uesavalas or Oisavalas, the Srimalas and the not very numerous Dharkatas. The places inhabited by them were the villages of Umbaraạiki, Saraüli and Kasahrada, Brahmana, the village of Dhaüli, the great tirtha Mundasthala, the villages of Philiņi, Handgüdra and Davani, Gadahada, Sahilavada.
In a subsequent clause (1l. 25, 26) it is stipulated that the five kalyiinikas of Nóminathaders, i.e. the feasts on the anniversaries of the conception, birth, initiation, enlightenment and final deliverance of the suint, are to be celebrated annually on the fixed days by all the laymen (Grivaka) iesiding at Déülavada on the holy mountain Arbuda.
The names of the persons to whom the care of the temple was entrusted are recorded in the next section, which runs as follows (11. 26-30): Thus is this agreement: The lord of the prosperons Chandravati, the illustrious rijalula Sômasimbadeva; again his son, the illustrious rija[kula] Kaphadadeva, and the other princes, all royal persons; again the sthanapatis thaffärakas, etc., of the prosperous Chandrå vati, kavilása: again the Guguli Brahmans, all the trustees (who belong to the case of the) merchants; again all persons, (viz.) sthunapatis, ascetics, Guguli Brahmana, rathiyas and others, residing at the temples of) the holy Achaleśvara (and) the holy Vagishtha on the mountain Arbu da anl in the neighbouring villages, (viz.) the village of Deülavada, the prosperous village of Srimátámababu, the village of Åbuya, the village of Oråse, the village of Utarachha, the village of Sibara, the village of sala, the village of Héthaüñji, the village of Akhi, Kotadi belonging to the holy Dhandhalesvaradeva, and others-twelve villages (in all); again all the rajaput ras belonging to the race of the illustrious Pratihäres, residing in the villages of Bbålibhada, etc., baving sat down one by one in the holl of the temple of) the holy Nêminâthndêva, took upon themselves, each according to his own wish (and) for his own delight, from the mahan[ta, the illustrious Tejabpala, the whole burden of the care of this temple called the holy Lùnasihavasahika. Therefore, acting up to this promise of their own, all of them, as well as their descendants, have to take care of this temple as long as the sun and the moon (endure). For
What need is there of alms-bowl, water-jar, clothes of bark, white (or) red garments (and) tufts of twisted hair, (since) this splendid vow is performed by the noble-minded ?'
Prince Kanhadadiva mentioned in line 26 is identical, of course, with the Paramâra Krishnarajadêva spoken of in the former inscription.
The last line (31) records that the mahürijakula, the illustrious Sômasim hadeva, in this holy Lañasi havasahika, presented by an edict the village of Davåņi in Vahirahadi to the holy Nêminathadeva, for his worship and personal allowance, and the inscription concludes with Samasiin haueva entreating the future kings of the Pramâra race to protect his gift as long as the sun and the moon will last.
1 I take the term the body of the bracakas, namely, all the merebants, all the trustees of Jina temples, ete. belonging to Chandravati' as the collective designation of tie es in ennmented in detail later on.
? [Accrding to Forbes, Rós Mali, p. 66, Kásahrala is the pre-ent Kasindra-Paladi near Ahmadabad; sec Bühler, E). Iud. Vol. I. p. 229. It is mentioned in two Rashtrakūta grants, ibid. p. 57 (Kasadrala), aud Zud. Ant. Vol. XIV. p. 202 (K &inhrnda).-E. H.]
Perhaps kavildsa is a proper name; at any rate, I do not know its meaning.-(Can it be meant for Kailasa - E. H.)
The Gugulis, or Guglis as they are enlled now, are a class of Brahmans wlie At present are found chiefly in Dvorka. They are Vaishnavas y religiou and mostly m áris or priests in the temples of Krislins; compare Gazetteer of the Bowbay Presidency, Vol. VIII. p. 146, aud Vol. IX. l'art I. p. 9 f., where also an account of the legende relating to their origiu is giveu.