Book Title: Epigraphia Indica Vol 08
Author(s): E Hultzsch
Publisher: Archaeological Survey of India

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Page 308
________________ No. 26.] DATES OF CHOLA KINGS. 1 Svasti 191.- In the Arunachalésvara temple at Tiruvannamalai.1 Tr[i]buvagachchakkaravattigal éri-Irâjaïrâjadêvarku 18vadu Kattigai-mâdam piranda padinėlân(n)=diyadi[y]=âna kkilamalyum Révatiyum dadamiyum [plea 2 ipru. "In the 18th year (of the reign) of the emperor of the three worlds, the glorious Rajarajadeva, on this day, which corresponds to the tenth tithi, to (the day of) Rovati and to a Sunday, which is the seventeenth solar day after the commencement of the month of Karttigai." The date will be expected to fall in A.D. 1233, and it actually corresponds to Sunday, the 18th November A.D. 1233. In A.D. 1233 the Vrischika-samkrânti took place 18 h. 28 m. after mean sunrise of Thursday, the 27th October. The first day of the month of Vrischika or Karttigai therefore was Friday, the 28th October, and the 17th day of the same month was Sunday, the 13th November. On this day the 10th tithi (of the bright half of Margašira) ended 2 h. 16 m., and the nakshatra was Rêvati from 3 h. 17 m., after mean sunrise. 122.-In the Akshayalingesvara temple at Kivalûr.3 1 Om svasti svtr[][] Tribhuvagachchakravatt[i]ga! Tr[i]bhuvanachchakravatt[i]gal r[i]- Rajarajadôvarku Dha]nu-[n]âyarru apara-pakshattu nahtamiyuma yându pad[i]-[e]ttiva[du Naya 1 263 yându Nayarru 2 ru-kk[i]lamaiyum perra Atta[t]tu nâl. "In the eighteenth year (of the reign) of the emperor of the three worlds, the glorious Rajarajadeva,- on the day of Hasta, which corresponded to a Sunday and to the eighth tithi of the second fortnight of the month of Dhanus." The date corresponds to Sunday, the 25th December A.D. 1233, which was the last day of the month of Dhanus (and the day of the Uttarayana-samkranti that took place 15 h. 5 m. after mean sunrise), and on which the 8th tithi of the dark half (of Pausha) commenced 5 h. 27 m., while the nakshatra was Hasta, by the equal space system and according to Garga for 4 h. 36 m., and by the Brahma-siddhânta for 1 h. 19 m., after mean sunrise. 123. In the Védâranyésvara temple at Vedaranyam. [a]chcha[k]karavatt[i]ga[1] det-Rájarājadiva[x]ku y[4]edu Mi[da]na-nayarru-pp[u]rva-pakshattu 19[Arada] tiraiyôdesiyum Nayarru-kkilamaiyum per Kai-n). "In the 19th year (of the reign) of the emperor of [the three worlds], the glorious Rajarajadeva, on the day of Jyeshtha, which corresponded to a Sunday and to the thirteenth tithi of the first fortnight of the month of Mithuna." No. 515 of the Government Epigraphist's collection for 1904. No. 496 of the same collection. The date corresponds to Sunday, the 11th June A.D. 1234, which was the 17th day of the month of Mithuna, and on which the 13th tithi of the bright half (of Ashâdha) ended 7 h. 22 m. after mean sunrise, while the nakshatra was Jyeshthâ, by the equal space system the whole day, 1 No. 494 of the Government Epigraphist's collection for 1902. As there can be no doubt whatever here about the proper equivalent of the date, it inay be specially noted that the day of the date is combined, not with the nakshatra (Uttara-Bhadrapada) at the commencement of the day, but with the nakshatra (Revati) which only commenced 3 h. 17 m. after mean sunrise. Compare above, Nos. 102, 105 and 112.


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