No, 14]
21 day&n=&jikvidhéyibhůya dasyath=ôti 11
| Bhayanti
ÅSPHÔTACHANDRA OF VIKRAMA-]SAMVAT 1190. This algo iş a single plate, which measures about l' 31" broad by 1' 11" high, and is engraved on one side only. In the upper part it has a ring-hole, about $" in diameter; and to the plate belongs a circular seal, about 24" in diameter, which bears in high relief, across the centre, in two lines, the legend
d-Asph [6]tacha[]drad[6]va) || in Någari letters between and t" high; above the legend, a conch-shell, and below the legend, a spear or tow pointed towards the proper right. The plate contains 28 lines of well preserved writing. The size of the letters is about t". The characters are Någari, and the language is Sanskrit. As regarde orthography, the letter bis denoted by the sign for v, except in the word babhramurs; and occasionally the deptal sibilant is employed for the palatal, and the palatal for the dental.
The inscription is of the reign of the Paramabhaffaraka Maharajadhiraja Paramédvara Govindachandradeva. With his consent, the Maharajaputra (or son of the Mahiraja) Asphôtechandradeva, endowed with all royal prerogatives and anointed as Yurarája (or heirapparent), records that, on Friday, the third tithi, the Akshaya-tfitiya and Yugadi, of the bright half of Vaisakha of the year 1180 (given both in words and in figures), after bathing in the Ganges at Benares, he granted the village of Kanduta in the Nandiņi pattala to the Pandita Damodaraśarman--son of the Pandita Madanapala, son's son of Lôkapala and son of the son's son of Guņapalara Brahman of the Kasyapa gôtra, whose three pravaras were Kaśyapa, Âvatsara and Naidhrava, who was a student of the V&jasaneya sakhe (of the Yajurvêda) and a sun-worshipper (saura), and who knew the five siddhantas of the Jyotihftstra.The taxes specified (in line 22) are the bhagabhôgakara, pravanikara, turushkadanda and kumara. gadiánaka. The grant was written by the Thakkura Gågeka.
The date, for the Karttikadi Vikrama-sativat 1190 expired, corresponds to Friday, the 30th March A.D. 1184, which was the proper day of the Akshaya-tfitiya and the (Trêta-) yugadi, because the third tithi of the bright half of Vaisakha ended on it 13 h. 2 m. after mean sunrise.
The localities I am unable to identify.
. . . -Srimad-Govinda13 chandradevo vijayi | Tad-êtat-sammatga samastarajaprakriyopêta-yauvarajya
bhishikta-maharajaputra-srimad-Asphtachandradevo vijayi || Namdiņi-pattalà14 y Kopauta-gråma-nivåsino nikhila-janapadán=apagatån=api cha raja-rajmi.
Here follow the six verses commencing B mish yaḥ pratigrihnali, Sankharh badr-daanan, Sarvdelana bhdpisah, Bahubir-parudha, Suvarnamakath, and Tadd gandit sahasrana.
. Gagôks most probably is identical with the Gaguka who wrote the grants F., G. and H., treated of a beve, Vol. IV. p. 107 tt
The proper time for the Akshaya-tritty and the Trétâyugâdi is the forenoon; soe Ind. Ant. Vol. XXVI.
• Up to this the text is practically identical with that of the Kamauli plate of Govindachandra, published above, Vol. IV. p. 100 f.
This sign of punctuation is su perfluous.
p. 179.