three pravaras were Kånkayana, Kaubika and Dhaumya, and student of the Sankhayana-1 Bahyficha sakha. The taxes specified (in line 20) are the bhagabhôgakara, hiranya, pravanikara and turushkadanda. The writer's name is not given.
The title prandcharya which, with bhatta and pandita, is prefixed to the names of the donee and his ancestors, I have not met elsewhere, and I cannot give its exact meaning.
The date, for Vikrama-samvat 1187 expired, corresponds to Sunday, the 18th November A.D. 1130, when the full-moon tithi of Mårgasirá commended 3 h, l1 m. after mean sunrise.3
The localities I am unable to identify.
EXTRACTS FROM THE TEXT: 12 . . . . . . 4-srimad-Govindachandradevo vijayi 116 Nandivara-pattaliyah 15
Palasaumdi-grâma-nivåginð nikhila-janapadån=u pagatân=a[pi) (cha) raja-rajñi-yava. 13 [ra]ja-mantri-purohita-pratibâra-sênapati-bhåmd&gårik-akshapatalika-bhishaka(g)-na imi.
ttik-Antabpurika-duta-karituragapattanakarasth&na[g]okaladhikari-puru14 [shajn samajñápayati vỐ(bô)dhayaty-&disa (sa)tiva(cha) yathả viditam=astu
bhavatám yath=óparilikhita-gråmah sa-jala-sthalaḥ sa-10ha-lavan akaraḥ sa-matay
Skaraḥ 98-gartt-ösharaḥ sa-ma15 [dha]ka-chůta-vana-våţikå-vitapa-tripa-pa (ya)ti-gôchara-paryantas=vatcha)turåghâta-visu
(su)ddhaḥ s[v]a-simå-paryanta) S-ôrddhv]-adhab samvat 1187
Merggasi(si)ra-må[se] Ågrahani-pürņņima16 [sy]am Ravi-dine srimad-Vârånåsyim Gangapi(yan) endtvå vidhivan
marntra-dêva-muni-manuja-bhata-pitri-gåpåms-tarpayitva timira-patala-påtana
pa[t]u-mahasam-Ushñarðahisham=upasthå17 y-Aushadhipati-sa(sa)kala-sê(48)kharam samabhyarchchya tribhuvana-tråtar
Vasudevasya půjåm=vidbaya? prachura-påyasena havishả hayirbhujam butve
mâtâpitrôr-&tmanas-cha punya-yasd(68)18 [bhi]vriddhayê Påråvasa-gotraya 19 Kakayana-10Kansilsi) Ma-Dhaumya-tripravåraya | Sikhyâyana vashthacha-sakhinoil
pråņ&ch&rya-bhatta-pathựita-Srt-Mangalaprapautraya Ipråņách&19 rya-bhatta-pamţita-eri-Ghada-pautrâya 1 pra acharya-bhatta-pamita-sri-Ravidhara
putrayal prip&charya-bhatta-pamạita-sri-Khônasa (ta)rin mape vrl(bra)hmaņay
âsmabhiḥ gôkarona-kusala20 tậ-pûta-karatal-odaka-půryvam-&-chandr-erkkar yavat' Baganikritys pradattahl 1
iti matva yathadiyamâna-bhagabhôgakara-biraaya-pravapitara-turushkadaņda. prabhsiti-samast-à
The plate has Sikhyayana-, apparently for Sankhydyana. which occor (for sanblagaha-) Also in Ind. Ant. Vol. XVIII. p. 17, line 19.
2 I.e. of the Rigveda.
Compare the date of Raiwân plate of Govindachandra (in Ind. Ant. Vol. XIX. p. 872, No. 193), which apparently corresponds to Monday, the 17th November A.D. 1130, when the full-moon tithi of Mårgasira ended 1 h. 25 m. after mean sunrise.
Up to this the text is practically identical with that of the Kamauli plate of Govindachandrs, published above, Vol. IV. p. 100 f. In verse B, sijayatd has been erroneously engraved between vijayate and sijas, in verse 8 we have -paddh. instead of -gandhand in the prose passage that follows the verses, sa cha was engraved before the first paramabhattáraka, but seems to have been struck out again. These signs of punctuation are superfluous.
Read-ndoa Agrahdyani-paurnamdaydrh. Bead puja vidhaya. # The reading is certain, but I am not sure that it is correct. • The signs of punctuation in lines 18-20 are superfluous.
This name is quite clear in the impression. 11 Read Sankhyana-baloricha-fokhind. 12 Read hirm, Rend ydeachechkäsa
Read dafta iti,