4 .... ... Po (3) Anugimimhi Ujeniya Sakhaya 5 . . . . . . . . to brahmana bhujate (4) Batasaha6 . . . . . vatâ (5) brahmananam gavam satasa
. . . bhagavatá (6) devåna brâhmapanamh cha data 8 .. .. .. .. Chetrasudhe panarasa (7) Kshahar & ? . . . . . . . . . .gavam Ptasahasradena (8) Usha10 . . . . . . . . . . . (9) nadiye Bandsaya (10) da11 . . . . . . . . . . svaņa tithe (11) che ñayate (12) tasa 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (13)
REMARKS. (1) AS. [ . . . . . Sorpára]ge Vechinne. The reading ve seems possible; but not, I think, the reading ge.- (2) G. and AS. Ogare.- (3) G. and AS, [ . . . Bharuka]chhe anu'. I cannot make out the chh.-(4) G. bhunjate.- (5) G. [ . . . . bhagavatám] bráo ; AS. (ri
. . . ] brao. The characters vatan seem to be still discernible on the estampage. (6) G. and AS. [hasra . . . . . . . bhagava]tå.-- (7) G. Crase.-(8) G. and AS. gavárn data'. The f is very doubtful; we could as well read 8. Before ga I think I can make out an n, probably the ending of 'dena.- (9) G. (vadátena]. .. . . brahma...nao-(10) AS. odiya Bandsåya ; G. Anasaya.-(11) AS vanati-(12) G. cha fayate. This reading, especially cha, is quite possibie. (13) G.. . . . . . . . . . chati. I can see nothing of these characters.
TRANSLATION. " [Success!) By permanent charities of Ushavadata, the Saka, (son of Dinika), son-inlaw of king Nahapana, the (Kshahara]ta Kshatrapa, one hundred-thousand holy Brahmana, dine (the whole year round] at . . . . . . . . Chechiñña, at the town of Dahanûka, at Kekapura, .....at Anugâmi, at Ujeni, at sakh. (By the same, three)hundred-thousand cows have been given to holy Brâhmaņas, (and sixteen villages] have been given to the holy gods and Brahmayas. [In the year. . . . . ], in the bright half of Chaitra, on the fifteenth day . .... by Usha vadata] money and a tirtha have been bestowed in the Barnáså river . . . . . "
The lost characters in the beginning of several lines can be easily and safely filled in from K. 13 and N. 10. The first line, the restoration of which is certain, proves that every line has lost about eight letters.
1 [Sidhan raño Kshahara] 2 (ta Dinikaputasa] 5 [anuvåsam bhagavam] 6 [si . ... bhaga] 7 [hasani tiņi datâni]
8 (solasa gåmå vase . . ]. Unfortunately this restoration supplies nothing but known elements and is consequently of little interest. We can restore neither the date nor the local names in 11. 3, 4, nor can we say definitely what is missing at the beginning of l. 11. I am equally unable to state how and under what circumstances the word Kshaharata was introduced in line 8, because other epigraphs mention that name only among the titles of Nahapana. The 10th line began of course with the letters vadátena, completing Usha in the preceding one, and they were probably followed by some epithet. The word tigosatasahara dena of N. 10 would fit as to length; but this gift has already been mentioned in the foregoing lines, independently of the gift of one-hundred-thousand cows, he mention of which immediately precedes. It seems indeed certain that the donations end