TRANSLATION "Success! This cell, the gift of Dakhamitra, wife of Ushavadata, son of Dinika, and daughter of king Nahapana, the Kshaharata Kshatrapa."
No. 12, Plate v. (Ksh. 9.) Immediately below the preceding inscription.
TEXT. 1 Sidhar Vase 42 Vesakhamase råño (1) Kshaharátase kshatrapasa
Nahapanasa jâmâtara Dinikapatrena Ushavad&tena samghasa châtudisasa
imam leņam (2) nig&titat data chênena (3) akshayanivi kâhâpanasahasra2 ni trini 3000 samghasa châtudisasa je imasmim lene vasarntånam (4)
bhavisati chivarika kasapamûle (5) cha ete cha kâh&paņå prayuts Govadhanavathavasu srepisu (6) kolikanikâye (7) 2000 vridhi (8) padikasata
aparakolikanika8 yo (9) 1000 vadhi payunapadikaśata (10) etecha kab&papa apadidátava
vadhibhojå eto chivarikasa hasrâni (11) be 2000 ye padike sate eto mama lene Vasava thâna bhikhunam visaya ekikasa chivarika bårasaka ya (12)
Bahasra prayutam rayonapadike (13) fate ato kusada 4 müla (14) Kapurdharo cha game Chikhalapadre datáni naligerana mulasahasrani
atha 8000 eta cha sarva (15) sråvita (16) nigamasabhaya nibadba (17) cha phalakavdre charitratoti bhayo nena datar vase 41 Katika udhe
Panaraca (18) puváka vase 45 5 panarasa niyutara (19) bhagavatain devånarh brahmananamh cha karahapanasa
hasrapi (20) satari 70000 pachatrisaka (21) suvarpa (22) krita
dina suvarpasahasranam (23) mûlyar (24) 6 phalakavâre charitratoti.
REMARKS. (1) AS. rafo.-(2) G. and AS. ima lena.- (3) G. data nona ; AS, data chanena.(4) G. and AS. vasátäna.-(5) G. kusanamula.- (6) AS. śronisu. - (7) AS. kolika (8) AS. vadhi.- (9) AS. ®kolikao - (10) G. and AS. payana,- (11) G. Osráni.- (12) G. and AS. ya. (13) G. and As. payuna, - (14) G.Omula.-(15) G. sarvan.-(16) G. savita.- (17) G. nibadha.- (18) G. Orase.-(19) G. Oyuta.-(20) G. ordni. -(21) G. trimsaka. (22) G. suvarnan.- (23) G. Osrána; AS. Osranam.- (24) G, mulyan ; AS. omála.
TRANSLATION. " Success! In the year 42, in the month Vesakha, Ushavadata, son of Dinika, son-inlaw of king Nahapana, the Kshaharata Kshatrapa, has bestowed this cave on the Sangha generally; he has also given a perpetual endowment, three thousand - 3000-kåhápanas, which, for the members of the Sangha of any sect and any origin dwelling in this cave, will serve as cloth money and money for outside life (kusana); and those kahapanas have been invested in guilds dwelling at Govadhana,- 2000 in a weavers' guild, interest one pratika (monthly) for the hundred, (and) 1000 in another weavers' guild, interest three quarters of a padika (monthly) for the hundred ; and those kahapanas are not to be repaid, their interest only to be enjoyed. Out of them, the two thousand-2000-at one pratika per cent. are the cloth money out of them to every one of the twenty monks who keep the vassa in my cave, a cloth money of twelve (kdhápaņas). As to the thousand which has been invested at an interest of three quarters of a pratika per cent., out of them the money for kusaņa. And at the village of Chikhalapadra in the