Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
684 ... ................ ...... ....................... .................. between the Pandavas and Kauravas on the side of Arafata Malli. VET a particular way of intertwining the former, but was slain by Karna with the Sakti or fingers before ringing a bell). Te: 1 a species of missile he had received from Indra; cf. Mu. 2. 15. hemp (Mar. aft, surful, yan't 5.) -2 sound of a The derivation of the name is given in the 3rd of bell; gzita: Tgh qua re a Nm. are the
ETHITT as follows: wà are a hiar i al sound of a clock. - : 1 bell-metal. -2 the sound 31 ara na sa FH 1 Mb. 1. 155.38.
of a bell. JEI A. (ad), usually 10 U. ( guía-d, afza)
EFT A small bell. - The uvula. 1 To shake, stir a bout; as in aggrar at: -2 To fost a. 1 Furnished with bells. -2 Sounding like touch, rub, rub the hands over; faztagida
a bell. -1. An epithet of Siva. Mk. 1. 24; Bk. 14. 2. 3 To smooth, stroke. -4 To
JUE: 1 A string of bells tied on an elephant's chest speak spitefully or malignantly. - To disturb; grad Hat Hath afaraa ai Mb. 7. 172. 8.
by way of ornament. -2 Heat, light.
TUER: An elephant; taj gregos: gata: ...... ag: ( 972-99)1 A landing place, steps on the side Sukti. 5. 66. of a river leading to the waters Mar. 914 ); factघट्टोऽयं ननं तेनात्र कारितः । ब्रह्माण्डमुज्ज्वलां कीर्तिमारोहयितुमात्मनः॥ । foan: The alligator; Bhāvapra 5. 10.39. Deogadh Rock Inscription of Kirtivarman, V. 7; Ind. qug: A bee. Ant. Vol. XVIII pp. 238-9. -2 Stirring, agitating.
T a.[ Hat 314 41è74 Tv. ) 1 Compact, firm, -3 A toll station. -Comp. cit a toll station. 973
hard, solid; 45127998: Māl. 9. 39.; Alar a l 213 see under 212; Sarva. S. 13. 123. siffert m. 1 a
Y. 3. 89; R. 11. 18.-2 Thick, close, dense; wafatana: ferryman. -2 a man of a mixed tribe; (
U. 2. 27; R. 8. 91; Amaru. 59. -3 Thiol-set, full, fully wra:). -8 attendant at a landing place.
developed (as breasts); wala gar a unha STEFT 1 Shaking, moving; yani 59 yozgattaatsth Era Git.7; 94-age wafa ye a naysa fracarset R. 11. 71.-2 Effecting, forming; g auzate for a Śrut. 8; Bh. 1. 8; Amaru. 31. - Deep (as sound); a Parnal 2. 54.
qura: hogy rey qah Mal. 2. 12; Mu. 1. 21. TEAT[ 991 Shaking, moving, stirring round,
-5 Uninterrupted, permanent. -6 Impenetrable. -7
Great, excessive, violent. -8 Complete; 37727 HOT a gitating. -2 Rubbing. -3 A means of livelihood,
9464 79494: Ks. 4. 53. -9 Auspicious, fortupractice, business, profession.
nate. -10 Coarse, gross. -11 Engrossed by, full or regreat a. [957-f * ] 1 Shaken. -2 Produced. plete with ; HT a hafa haft Mal. 1.32; para -3 Starched (thus thickened); Pañchdasi 6.3. - 4 Pressed U.6. 11. - A cloud; 14: 15 coat 92: $. 7.30; down, smoothed; Mb. 14. -al A particular way of 9987 a fa: SEU gla: V. 4. 22. -2 An iron beating a drum.
club, a mace; fara gafa ger: Ki. 18. 1. -3 The
body. -4 The cube of a number in math. ). -5 ExTL 8 U. (artia, quà) To shine.
tension, diffusion. -6 A collection, multitude, quantity, FUT 1, 10. P. ( quzfa, gozafa) 1 To speak. -2 To mass, assemblage. -7 Talc. -8 Phlegm. -9 Any comsbine.
pact mass or substance. -10 Hardness, firmness. -11
A particular manner of reciting Vedic texts: thus the E a. Shining, splendid -02: 1 N. of Siva. -2 A
padas नमः रुद्रेभ्यः ये repeated in this manner would stand kind of sauce, a kind of dish. -Comp. 90: a
thus:-नमो रुद्रेभ्यो रुद्रेभ्यो नमो नमो रुद्रेभ्यो ये ये रुद्रेभ्यो नमो shield with a ringing sound.
Haut. 41 A cymbal, a boll, a gong. -2 Iron. TUEI ( 907-377] 1 A bell. -2 A plate of iron or -3 Tin. -4 Skin, rind, bark. -5 A mode of dancing; mixed metal struck as a clock. Comp. -
3 a (neither quick nor slow ). ind. closely ; qyfa 9 7081belfry. Of: 1 N. of a demigod under Siva, (of Skanda 799 19 TUTT Ratn. 3.9. -Comp. - :, - Fa: or of Kuber) worshipped in the month of Chaitra ( also disa ppearance of the cloud', the season succeeding
07:). -2 a fabulous demon, Rakşasa; H. 2.; Katha. the rains, autumn ( T); 9784419 Tahlaa 3.-off N. of a goddess. - i, - a shield fur. R. 3. 37. 3TETET N. of Durga. -3 9. rain; nished with small bells. -a : a bellman: 493
घनाम्बुभिर्भूरि विलम्बिनो घनाः Subhas. -आकरः the rainy 2 year. Ms. 10.33. -T: the sound of a bell. season. -3TTA, -se: the approach of clouds', - : 1 the chief road through a village, a highway, the rainy season; 14:1 2 : f Rs. 2. 1. main road;(दशधन्वन्तरी राजमागों घण्टापथः स्मृतः Kautilya). -THU: the date tree.-31T2TT: the atmosphere, -2 N. of Mallinatha's commentary on the Kirātār- firmament. -3 : the face. 3a : a partijuniyam; कर्तुं प्रवेशमिह भारविकाव्यमध्ये घण्टापथं कमपि नूतन- cular sea (hell?). -उपलः hail. -ऊरू a woman having
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